FnordCon 5 is happening April 29 - May 1, 2022
Austin Southpark Hotel • 4140 Governor's Row • Austin, TX 78744
Membership is $50/person. Advance tickets are no longer being sold. Please find the registration table at the convention to purchase a weekend ticket.
Kids under 13 are free and do not require registration, but must be accompanied by an adult with a paid registration.
We will be requiring compliance with all state and local Covid precautions. This currently includes masks and proof of vaccination for an event of our size. Requirements could change before the show, but we'll be requiring masks and proof of vaccination at a minimum.
By purchasing a ticket or volunteering to attend FnordCon, you and any other ticket holders purchasing tickets via your account agree to the code of conduct, FnordCon standards, rules, regulations, terms, and conditions.