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March 31, 2002: GAMA Report

Working back through my queue of con writeups:

GAMA (aka the GAMA Trade Show or GTS) was in Las Vegas in mid-March. SJ Games sent me, Ross, Phil, Michelle, Paul, and Moe . . . leaving a corporal's guard to hold the fort. The preceding weeks had been very crazy indeed, since it was absolutely necessary that Car Wars be back from the printer in time to give out samples. It made it . . . baaaarely. I will be happy to go for a while without any more escapes that narrow.

Didn't see a THING of Las Vegas this time. Only left the hotel building once the whole time, and that was to walk to get some Coke, since the Orleans Casino is (ick) a Pepsi-only property. Fortunately, the Orleans has a lot of different restaurants, most with decent food but all, apparently, with uniformly bad service. I heard some real horror stories, and lived through a couple. However, it's a good convention facility.

I thought we put on a good show . . . the booth looked very good, with big posters for Munchkin, GURPS WWII, Frag, and other current biggies . . . plus a huge Car Wars display featuring counters more than 2 feet long. Now we need to build a really huge Turning Key . . .

Everybody looked very spiffy and professional in their black polo shirts with the pyramid logo. Paul was definitely our martyr of the show . . . he stayed on his feet almost the whole time, demonstrating Car Wars.

The show itself was well organized . . . possibly the best one ever, and certainly the biggest. Props to Mark Simmons, GAMA's Executive Director, for putting it all together.

So what did I see there that was neat? Three things spring to mind:

All in all, a good show, and the great retailer reactions to Car Wars and Unnatural Axe were good for our morale!
-- Steve Jackson

Warehouse 23 News: The Adventure Continues

Two new Legends & Lairs titles: The Black Stairs and Voyage to Storm Isle.

March 30, 2002: Light Stand Still

Those wacky physicists who slowed light down to a crawl have gone one step further -- they've stopped it completely. Quantum computers, here we come! Read the NASA story.

Warehouse 23 News: Historical Roleplaying

Explore Europe in the Middle Ages with our expanded Chivalry & Sorcery selection.

March 29, 2002: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, And An Orc-Inflicted Scar

Illuminated Site of the Week: If you're a gamemaster and you're hard up for a picture of your latest NPC, or if you're a player who wants to add a little extra something to his sheet, Ultimate Flash Face provides a terrific public service. Choose the eyes, the nose, the moments, you have an instant character portrait.

Ooo, you know, the police could probably get some use out of this program, too.

-- Suggested by Chris Dicely

Warehouse 23 News: A Terrible Tome

The new fiction anthology, The Book of Eibon, reveals all the secrets of the Cthulhu Mythos, from the history of the first alien races to come to Earth, to the histories of the Elder Magi of Hyperborea, and the story of Eibon's life and death.

March 28, 2002: Another Milestone: Faux Fish

Vat-grown meat has been a long-time staple (so to speak) for starfarers in science fiction. Okay, here it comes: read the CNN story. And pass the tartar sauce.

Warehouse 23 News: Anybody Home?

Whether you're attacking, defending, or just passing through, Seven Strongholds provides detailed forts, castles, and other well-fortified locations, ready for insertion into your game world.

March 27, 2002: MidSouthCon

Okay, this was a very interesting trip. I have owed MidSouthCon a visit for a loooong time. I was supposed to go there more than a decade ago, but a little visit from the Secret Service made that impossible. I was pleased to be invited back so I could make up for my previous absence.

So the feds showed up AGAIN. This time, it wasn't here - it was THERE. And it wasn't the Treasury Department; it was the Directorate of Homeland Security and Color-Coded Alerts. Seems they had taken over the airport Holiday Inn to screen would-be airport screeners. They had thrown megabucks at it to turn it into an instant Homeland Security Command Post . . . upgraded its power supplies and Net connection . . . filled up the function space with shiny new Dell computers and little gray cubicles . . . and they were running a little bit behind schedule. Days behind, apparently. So when we got there, inarticulate individuals with guns were rolling their eyes at all the scary fans, and keeping the con staff out of the space they had contracted for.

And this went on all through Friday. As toastmaster Cullen Johnson put it . . . "I had to pee in three cups just to get to Registration."

(An aside. I have witnessed, and endured, enough idiocy on the part of our current corporate-minimum-wage screening system to agree that SOMETHING should change. I'm tempted to sing you the Argenbright song, to the tune of Mickey Mouse, but I won't . . . yet. I'm just skeptical about any expensive crash government program that takes more than six months to start replacing the private-sector morons with its own mor . . . err, more qualified workers. If the Ministry of Internal Inconvenience were serious about protecting us, the National Guard would have been running those screening machines the moment the airports reopened in mid-September. If they can teach minimum-wagers to use that equipment, I do believe the Guardsmen could figure it out. But I digress.)

At any rate, the hotel was a mess. But the con staff responded magnificently. Nobody blew their stack or hurled themselves out of a window. The con attendees were understanding. And the hotel staff was incredibly helpful, considering what THEY had been going through; some of them hadn't slept for days, dealing with the various Fed demands while trying to keep their other commitments as much as they could.

And gradually, things sorted themselves out. The feds and fed-minions percolated away. The con got underway. Almost nothing wound up WHERE it was supposed to be, but almost everything happened SOMEPLACE. And people had fun. This con marked the debut of the new edition of Car Wars. And for me, the continuing Car Wars demo was a high point. It was run by John Blaylock, a former World Duelling Champion . . . who does the best job of explaining the rules that I have ever heard. Ably assisted by henchmen Hugh and Shorty, he did a fantastic job of spreading the Car Wars gospel and introducing a lot of people, ranging from old hands to very young players, to the game.

What else can I say? We played some Ogre (the Fencer, though stripped of weapons, made it to its objective, crunch, pop, aieeeee.) It was wonderful to see Carolyn Cherryh again. I met some new people that I really liked, and got to play games with some of them.

What else to note about this con? Hmm. They serve Real Food in the con suite, a practice of which I heartily approve (especially in a hotel where the staff has been going without sleep, if you get my drift). They are Nice, with a capital N, to their guests. The attendees are not afraid to play new games. The dealer room had several actual BOOKsellers in it - all too rare at modern cons, and very appreciated.

All in all, a good time was had by me. And everyone else, as far as I could tell.

(Yes, I know I owe y'all about three more con reports. I'll work backwards.)
-- Steve Jackson

Warehouse 23 News: Miami Dice

The gaming antics continue in Knights of the Dinner Table, Issue 65.

March 26, 2002: Scientists Live On Mars! . . . Well, Sort Of

Just because efforts to send human beings to Mars are still decades away doesn't mean we can't practice . . . well, at least it doesn't mean that the people in this New York Times story can't, anyway.

And it gives me an excuse to plug GURPS Mars, coming in May.

-- Scott Haring

March 25, 2002: No Matter Where You Go, We Know

GPS locator chips implantable beneath the skin will soon be feasible. Here's the BBC story.

Warehouse 23 News: In a City of Magic and Enlightenment . . .

A dual-system D20/Unknown Armies supplement, The Ascension of the Magdalene includes background on historical Prague, rules for Mechanomancy, and two new Unknown Armies archetypes.

March 24, 2002: Games Quarterly Catalog Problem

The Spring 2002 Games Quarterly Catalog (#42) includes an error which both gamers and retailers should take note of. Under ADB Inc., (Amarillo Design Bureau) it lists the five products from the old 1st Edition of Prime Directive under a heading of "GURPS: RPG".

Of course, these products are not related to GURPS in any way, although the upcoming 2nd edition of Prime Directive (with entirely different titles and stock numbers) is an entirely new Powered by GURPS product.

This incorrect data was added by a catalog employee in an attempt to be helpful. Unfortunately, it’s not . . .

While these products are all but out of stock at ADB Inc., many distributors have copies in their warehouses which were purchased years ago. We advise all distributors to note in their databases that these products (listed below) are not GURPS related, and to warn any store trying to order them of this fact. ADB Inc. recently dropped these items from its catalog. The five products in question are:
5801 Prime Directive (first edition)
5802 Graduation Exercise (GM Screen)
5803 Prime Adventures #1
5806 Uprising
5811 UFP Federation Sourcebook

The new "Powered by GURPS" version of Prime Directive will have ADB stock numbers in the 8000 range.

Warehouse 23 News: Create, Design, Plot, and Run

The ultimate Rifts reference for creating and running adventures, Rifts Adventure Guide contains over 150 adventure ideas.

March 23, 2002: Now Shipping!

The following products are now shipping, and should be available from your friendly local gaming store very soon:

Fire Zone (Frag Expansion 2)
The arena gets hotter! Fire Zone thrusts Frag players into two deadly new arenas where massive pools of boiling lava are as dangerous as the other players. A separate rulesheet details the new terrain and several new rules, including rocket jumps, knockback effects from weapons, and jump pads. A lot of destruction is packed into this inexpensive expansion for the best-selling "computerless first person shooter."

Double-sided map plus rulesheet. Stock #1343, ISBN 1-55634-619-0. $6.95.

Munchkin 2: Unnatural Axe
You demanded it, and here it is. Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic . . . 112 more cards for the game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Orcs! Face foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demon. Equip yourself with dread armor like the Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty weapons like Druid Fluid, the Catapult and, of course, the dread Unnatural Axe . . . and show them who’s the greatest munchkin of all.

112 cards. Stock #1410, ISBN 1-55634-554-2. $16.95.

Traveller Deck Plan 6 - Dragon-Class System Defense Boat
The Dragon-class 400-ton system defense boat is the most commonly encountered SDB in the Imperium. Dragons are used for customs patrol, piracy suppression, search and rescue operations, and many other missions. This set also includes deck plans for the 200-ton clamp-on jump shuttle, used to transfer SDBs from system to system (and a starship in its own right). Because the SDB is so often encountered on non-military missions, this deck plan will be of interest even to GMs who are not running military-oriented campaigns. It includes nine double-sided sheets (hexes on one side, squares on the other), and a set of Cardboard Heroes miniatures.

Nine 2-sided sheets plus Cardboard Heroes figures. Stock #7506, ISBN 1-55634-529-1. $19.95.

Car Wars Division 5 Set 1 - Killer Kart vs. Shrimp
Car Wars launches with three Division 5 sets. Each one gives you rules, full-color 2-sided counters, a turning key, and two evenly matched car designs. Get one and play. Get 'em all and you've got six cars – host your own Amateur Night! The Killer Kart has launched the career of many an autoduellist . . . snipe with your machine gun, and discourage pursuers with dropped mines. The Shrimp is a lethal subcompact with body blades, a micro missile launcher in front, and a one-shot heavy rocket in back.

16 pages with full-color counter insert. Stock #40-1001, ISBN 1-55634-570-4. $5.95.

Car Wars Division 5 Set 2 - Stinger vs. Firecracker
Car Wars launches with three Division 5 sets. Each one gives you rules, full-color 2-sided counters, a turning key, and two evenly matched car designs. Get one and play. Get 'em all and you've got six cars – host your own Amateur Night! The Stinger has high acceleration and a recoilless rifle for long-range punch. The Firecracker is a subcompact ram car with lots of armor and a single heavy rocket . . . and it drops explosive spikes!

16 pages plus full-color counters. Stock #40-1002, ISBN 1-55634-571-2. $5.95.

Car Wars Division 5 Set 3 - Napalm vs. Dagger
Car Wars launches with three Division 5 sets. Each one gives you rules, full-color 2-sided counters, a turning key, and two evenly matched car designs. Get one and play. Get 'em all and you've got six cars – host your own Amateur Night! The Napalm barbecues its opponents with twin front-mounted flamethrowers. The Dagger is a ram car with a deadly micro-missile launcher. Division 10 variations are included for both cars.

16 pages plus full-color counters. Stock #40-1003, ISBN 1-55634-572-0. $5.95.

Warehouse 23 News: Undying Menace

Travel Beyond the Veil to slay the mad dragon Storamere and save the denizens of Derideth Swamp.

March 22, 2002: You Should Get That Looked At

Illuminated Site of the Week: The Internet provides a wealth of information, including medical advice. Not that "I have a pain in my left leg" stuff -'s Human Virus Scanner gives you the inside scoop on the memes that may have infected your mind, and practical advice on what to do about it.

-- Suggested by Omar K. Ravenhurst and Bob Schroeck

Warehouse 23 News: New Miniature

The Paneuropean Heavy Infantry is now available as an individual miniature.

March 21, 2002: Volunteer Positions Open

In addition to the openings listed on the Net Reps page, we have the following needs:

Graphic Artist - Steve Jackson Games needs eye-catching web graphics, in the style of the ad banners on Pyramid - that is, collages of logos and images. Compensation will be in product credit. How many banners do we need? Lots. So more than one person in this role would be fine.

Wizard in the Pyramid chat areas, for MOO maintenance and tweaking. This position requires a high level of MOO skill and a fair amount of free time and interest. This is not a "push the volunteer in the deep end" situation, as Kira is alive and well and not abandoning her domain . . . we just want some depth in our MOO backfield.

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator ( with your interest and qualifications for these positions.

Warehouse 23 News: Adventure Unlimited

Create virtually every type of hero imaginable with the Heroes Unlimited RPG from Palladium Books.

March 20, 2002: Origins Nominations!

At the Game Manufacturer's Association trade show yesterday, the final nominations for the Origins Award were announced. SJ Games has ten nominees this year:

Congratulations to everyone who worked on these nominees!

Warehouse 23 News: North Pole or Bust!

Take your cue from Captain Park's Imaginary Polar Expedition and shop London for the pictures and artifacts you need to prove you've been on a great expedition, even though you never really left town.

March 19, 2002: I Can't Read Mail Now, My Pants Are Down

Yes, in the world of the future, when we wear our computers, your clothes will crash. But as you reboot your Reeboks, think of the guys at Eleksen, who are already weaving the first threads of cloth computing . . .

-- Steve Jackson

Warehouse 23 News: The Ever-Expanding Megaverse

On land (Rifts South America), under the ocean (Rifts Underseas), or in another dimension (Rifts Phase World), Rifts has it all.

March 18, 2002: Off To GAMA, And Then Some

We're sending a fairly large crew to the GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas to preside over the trade debut of Car Wars. Our booth display will feature a couple of huge car counters . . . now, sooner or later, we have to make a humongous Turning Key and play on a gym floor or something.

After GAMA, everybody else has to come home, but I get to go to MidSouthCon in Memphis. This will be the public launch of Car Wars. I'll have all nine of the Starter Sets to show off, including the six that won't really be released just yet. Heh, heh. So come and play.

By the way, I have NOT forgotten that I owe everyone a report on the good times had at the Lego convention, and at Leprecon in Dublin. It will happen . . .

-- Steve Jackson

Warehouse 23 News: En Garde!

As association of fencers, duelists, and adventurers who live and die by the strength of their steel, the Swordsman's Guild upholds the traditions of chivalric combat.

March 17, 2002: Did We Mention Battlesuits Are Coming?

Though the current MIT project might be more of a Superhero Suit . . . it leans more toward invisibility and leaping tall buildings than it does toward "point your finger and BOOM." But then, who says we can't have it all?

For background, check out this U.S.Army page.

Now think about combining it with technology for mental control of computer hardware . . .Maybe we don't want to be battlesuits. Maybe we want to be fighter planes.

-- Steve Jackson

Warehouse 23 News: Epic Fantasy, Palladium Style!

Add to your Palladium Fantasy RPG collection with Eastern Territory and Library of Bletherad.

March 16, 2002: It's Not A Bug, It's A Feature

Illuminated Site of the Week: The works of Shakespeare are immortal; so, it seems, are cockroaches. So why not marry the two? Why not indeed, asks Jaron Lanier, who sees in a bug's junk DNA the perfect medium for maintaining the great works. Great, assuming the New York Times morgue is literature to last the ages. They must be hedging their bets and hoping for favorable treatment with this article.

-- Suggested by David Cunnius

Warehouse 23 News: Deadly Machinations

The definitive resource for traps, tricks, and puzzles, Traps & Treachery includes 60 complete and illustrated descriptions, plus detailed guidelines for construction and classification.

March 15, 2002: Car Wars Contest On Ogre Cave

"Take a moment to imagine you're a teenager, new driver's license burning a hole in your pocket. Imagine seeing your dream car, a fully-armored, lightning-fast machine of destruction, twin guns mounted to either side of the rocket launcher. Imagine wanting to take the wheel, to tear up the desolate roads of your post-apocalyptic hometown, gunning down any vehicle foolish enough to be in your lane or leave its blinker on.

"Now imagine the dream car belongs to your dad, and you want to borrow it."

So begins the Car Wars contest on But you'll have to go there to see the rules and prizes. Heh, heh.

Warehouse 23 News: Ingenious or Insane?

The inventors of the Weird West follow The Way of the New Science, mixing magic and mad science with often explosive results.

March 14, 2002: Car Wars Proofs Are In!

Look here! We saw proofs of the nine new Car Wars books today. They are beautiful, absolutely beautiful . . . the covers are even brighter and bolder than we had expected.

And of course, we had found a way to further optimize some of the vehicles in the interim, so they got tweaked. Panic, panic, fix, fix, done. (As this is written, we have faxed approval of the changed proofs back to the printer.)

You can hope that some of these beautiful proofs show up in the auction, but most of them are going to be divided up among the development team or sent to the lead playtesters.

This is going to be so massively neat . . . Yeah, I'm excited. So sue me.

-- Steve Jackson

Warehouse 23 News: Hellboy Reading Material

Warehouse 23 now carries the five currently available Hellboy novels and graphic novels.

March 13, 2002: Those Wacky Scandinavians!

Thousands of people have registered for citizenship in the newest European state, Ladonia, formerly part of Sweden. There's just one slight problem . . .

Read the CNN story.

Warehouse 23 News: A Boy and His Bot

Plot the destruction of all humanoid life with Rifts Mechanoids!

March 12, 2002: Car Wars Goes To Printer

We finally got the new Fifth Edition of Car Wars - all nine starter sets - to the printer. Massive thanks to everyone who helped . . . Sekret Playtest Korps, long-suffering production staff, non-production staff members who volunteered to help . . . and very definitely Philip Reed (who has been through projects like this before and knew what to expect, but forged ahead anyway) and new Car Wars line editor Paul Chapman (who had not been through anything like this before, and now he knows).

I think this is going to be a very, very fine edition of the game, and if we are extremely lucky it might even make GAMA.

Now, don't anybody follow the link to the CW website yet, because we're nowhere near through updating it.
-- Steve Jackson

Warehouse 23 News: Long Distance Relationships, Anime Style

Covering the entire second season of the Tenchi Muyo anime tv show, Tenchi In Tokyo includes episode summaries, additional game rules, character and mecha write-ups, and game seeds.

March 11, 2002: Book Signing Blues

So here I am, signing the new Limited Edition Hardbacks . . . and I forgot that there weren't 100 in these runs. Fortunately, I didn't do them ALL . . . but the first few of the GURPS Steam-Tech LEH are marked (for instance) "1/100" . . . followed by an abashed emendation which I will not quote here. The people who got the low-numbered hardbacks get to see it :-)
-- Steve Jackson

Warehouse 23 News: Take Your Adventure To The Stars!

Enter a boundless universe of science-fantasy with the Starfarer's Handbook, the first title for the Dragonstar setting.

March 10, 2002: What A Way To Go

Tarrant County police believe that a 25-year-old nurse's aide ran into a Fort Worth man last fall, and drove home with the victim trapped in her windshield . . . whereupon she parked the car in her garage, ignored his pleas for at least two days, and dumped his body in a park when he finally died. Her attorney says she made some "wrong choices."

For more details than you really want, see the Houston Chronicle story.

Warehouse 23 News: The Fabric of Space and Time Is Torn Asunder

And Earth becomes a nexus to countless alien worlds. Rifts Sonic Boom, the first Rifts novel, brings to life the fantastic world of the popular Rifts RPG.

March 9, 2002: Frag Winner

The winner of our Frag tournament for the last quarter of 2001 was Tylor Morgan (17 frags). He gets a $50 certificate from Warehouse 23.

If you want to get in the act for this quarter, visit Frag

Warehouse 23 News: On the Road to Adventure

A collection of short encounters, En Route goes beyond glorified battles with random monsters; the encounters strive to be innovative concepts that can stand on their own merits.

March 8, 2002: Bilder...Builder...Mason...Of Course...

Illuminated Site of the Week: Tony Gosling has a lot to say about the cabal that controls things. The Bilderberg Conferences seem to be one of the worst-kept secrets in the world domination game, and he's blowing the lid wider open.

-- Suggested by Scott McNair

March 7, 2002: GURPS Conspiracy X Is Coming

Eden Studios has finished their licensed GURPS Conspiracy X book, and it may ship as early as March. If you liked GURPS Black Ops, you'll want to check this one out.

Warehouse 23 News: So You Want Magic Weapons and Armour?

Behold the Armourers' Companion, which will allow you to bring the ancient arts of the Armourer Magus into your Chivalry and Sorcery campaign.

March 6, 2002: GURPS Deadlands: Hexes Now In Playtest!

The next supplement for GURPS Deadlands is currently in playtest! If you're interested in checking out the book of magic in the Weird West, subscribe to Pyramid today!

March 6, 2002: Game Day

Okay, we've been saying for years that this was just a regular office; we don't sit around all day and play games.

But last Thursday we sat around all day and played games.

Just because we'd never done it before, and everybody deserved a break, we declared it Game Day. We playtested Car Wars and Fire Zone and a couple you're not yet cleared for. On the clock, yet.

And Friday we went back to work. But we had a good time . . .

Warehouse 23 News: Construct Shops and Make a Living

Simulating the ever-changing Ancient Greek Marketplace, Agora is the third entry in the Hip Pocket Games line of super small, super cheap card games.

March 5, 2002: Too Many Hellboy Fans!

Phil Reed reports that he is being buried by mail from writers and artists asking to work on the Hellboy RPG project. Sorry . . . it's full. Really full. With backups. Please, please, he begs, do not write him asking for a place on this project . . . :-\

March 4, 2002: Return Of An Old Friend

We'd like to welcome Scott Haring back into the SJ Games collective. Scott was a victim of last year's layoffs, and we're very pleased to be able to bring him back on board now. He'll be working as a part-time editor, part-time marketing writer, and part-time Pyramid newshound. His first editing project, for the insatiably curious, is GURPS Mars.

We're happy to have such a talented writer and editor rejoining us. Welcome back, Scott!

-- Andrew Hackard, Managing Editor

Warehouse 23 News: Adventure Has a New Face

A beautifully illustrated hardcover, Mythic Races is an essential d20 resource for new races and prestige classes.

March 3, 2002: New Game Aids Coordinator

Roberto Hoyle is our new Game Aids Coordinator; he can be reached at He'll be managing such duties as corresponding with people who write game aid programs, testing them or handing them off to testers, filing the license forms people send in, and making sure they get on the web page. If you arewaiting for a response, please give Roberto a week or two to sort through the backlog before sending a follow-up. If you are interested in licensing a game aid, see the Game Aid License page for more information.

Warehouse 23 News: Gritty and Realistic

A stand-alone roleplaying game from Palladium, Deluxe Revised Recon focuses on realistic military combat, hard hitting action, guerilla warfare, and treachery.

March 2, 2002: Hellboy RPG To Feature Original Hellboy Comic

Steve Jackson Games announced today that the upcoming Hellboy RPG will include a new original Hellboy comic from Jai Nitz, SJ Games' Philip Reed, and Hellboy creator Mike Mignola.

The story will introduce a new character to the Hellboy continuity. Orson Gaines is a former British SAS agent and the newest member of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense team, and his debut will be "a fast and furious story in the typical Hellboy fashion," Reed said.

Nitz will script the story (with assistance from Mignola himself), while Zach Howard and Peter Bergting will handle the pencils and inks, respectively.

Reed said, "After years as a fan it was a thrill to work on a Hellboy story. Everyone involved had so much fun working on it that we already have more in the works to be released as the year goes on."

The Hellboy RPG, scheduled for an August release, will also feature an original short story by Christopher Golden. The RPG is an entry in SJ Games' "Powered by GURPS" line of roleplaying games that use the award-winning GURPS rules, but come with the basic GURPS system integrated into the text, making the book a complete game.

Hellboy is an award-winning series of comic books and graphic novels published on a regular basis by Oregon-based Dark Horse Comics. Other products in the always-expanding Hellboy line include a metal lunchbox, a PVC figure set, and a soft vinyl statue, all available from Dark Horse. To learn more about Hellboy, visit

For more information, contact Philip Reed ( at (512) 447-7866.

-- Scott Haring

Warehouse 23 News: The Player With the Longest Hair Goes First

Bluff your way to the 7th connection in Aquarius, the Looney Labs card game of connecting elements and secret goals.

March 1, 2002: And if Time Permits, the Tower of London

Illuminated Site of the Week: Wild cats stalk the streets and ghostbusters hunt 600-year-old spirits. Strange substances bubble beneath the surface and novelty toys fight crime. The latest role-playing game? No. This is Local London, or more accurately, this is the This is Weird section of This is Local London, and if this is all that's going on there, they're not getting enough tourism.

-- Suggested by Ed Fortune

Warehouse 23 News: Top 10 for February

Check out Warehouse 23's best selling items for February on the Warehouse 23 Top 10 page.

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