April 30, 2018: "Ogre Marks Ten Years In Print" From 1987

Long, long missing (though not forgotten), Where We're Going launched as our stand-alone trade publication way back in 1987. We've shared archived PDFs of some of the later Where We're Going issues on our site (check them out!), but those earliest issues only exist in print . . . and as an offline collection of PDFs that we sometimes refer to when we need to check on release dates of older games and expansions.
Recently, while in search of some info on Car Wars, I found myself exploring the March/April 1987 issue of Where We're Going - the first stand-alone issue! - when I ran across an Ogre article that deserved attention and just had to be shared with the world. Over three decades later, it is amazing how many of the paragraphs in this old article could be rewritten and adjusted to make them relevant to today's Ogre game line. For example:
"A free poster." We updated and reprinted the mentioned Ogre Blueprint Poster and, while not free, it is available for purchase on Warehouse 23. And hey, retailers, if you would like free Ogre posters for your store, please contact us - retailers@sjgames.com - and we'll mail you a copy or two of whatever Ogre posters are still in our warehouse. So, in a way, this 1987 promise of a free Ogre poster for retailers is still available!
"A special convention event." Back in 1987, Steve participated in ten Ogre games at once at OrcCon in Los Angeles. While we're sorry you missed out, you can join us at Origins in mid-June where Steve will . . . you're not gonna believe this . . . Steve will engage in multiple Ogre game at the same time against multiple opponents! Wanna try to devastate Steve at his own game? Join us at Origins (some info here), and you may just get your shot at victory.
"A new Ogre product!" We recently released the Ogrezine in PDF, and the upcoming Ogre Battle Box is set for release this summer, showing that even three decades after the 1987 article, Steve Jackson Games is committed to expanding the Ogre line with new titles. Not familiar with the Ogre Battle Box? Oh, you're gonna want to check this out - get ready for one hefty box of plastic miniatures and the most complete Ogre game rules we've ever published.
So if we make a slight tweak to the old article, we can happily close out this brief discussion with:
After forty years, the Ogre is still going strong . . . and it's coming your way.
-- Phil Reed

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