December 6, 2007: Munchkin Cthulhu 3 ProofsIt's proof time!Here's Will, checking the proofs of Munchkin Cthulhu 3, received just moments before. Everything looks good, and we're on schedule for a January release. What's proofing? Before a printer goes through the time and materials required to print a couple thousand decks, they run one sheet off the files they have, and send it to the publisher. We take that sheet and go over each square inch, checking text, positioning of the art, colors -- pretty much everything. We get sheets for the decks, the rules, and the box, and need to check each carefully.
Usually, they're fine. But occasionally, we have found typos, bad art, and, in one case, an image that was completely reversed! We note any needed corrections, then send 'em back to the printer. |
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