January 5, 2021: Steve Jackson Games And Warehouse 23 On Kickstarter In 2020
In 2020, we successfully closed and funded a total of ten different campaigns through our Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 accounts on Kickstarter. Of those ten different projects, eight are behind us, rewards delivered and each one over and 100% complete.
The eight completed campaigns are:
Warehouse 23
Dungeon Fantasy Companion 2, Powered by GURPS - Delivered ahead of schedule.
Hexagram #4, an Old-School RPG Zine for The Fantasy Trip - Delivered one month late. (Pandemic issues closed our warehouse at exactly the wrong moment.)
The Fantasy Trip: The Book of Unlife & Red Crypt - Delivered ahead of schedule.
Steve Jackson Games' GURPS 2020 PDF Challenge - Delivered ahead of schedule.
The Fantasy Trip: Hexagram #5 and Ardonirane - Delivered ahead of schedule.
Steve Jackson Games' Coasters for the Party - Delivered ahead of schedule.
Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games Summer 2020 T-Shirt Collection - Delivered on schedule.
Random Fun Generator, Dice Games from Steve Jackson Games - Delivered on schedule.
The two open campaigns are (one from each account):
Car Wars Sixth Edition by Steve Jackson Games - Behind schedule. The pandemic has disrupted this project more than any other. In tooling at the factory.
Hexagram #6, an Old-School RPG Zine for The Fantasy Trip - On schedule.
We have more projects planned for both accounts in 2021, so please make sure you are following Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 on Kickstarter. You never know what we'll take to Kickstarter next!
-- Phil Reed

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