June 6, 2014: Spyke And Flower Photobomb Contest
How would you like to win a Munchkin Imaginary Friend (pictured to the right)? Well, it's time to put your Photoshop skills to the test! For the next two weeks, we're asking you to create celebrity photobombs using Spyke and Flower, our Munchkin mascots. Find a celebrity photo and drop either or both munchkins into the pic in a way that makes us laugh, and you might win an Imaginary Friend! Here are the contest rules:
The contest runs from today until June 22nd. On July 7th we'll announce our five favorites, and those five people will each get one Imaginary Friend!
You have to use the art we're providing for Spyke and Flower. Just download the two PSDs at the bottom of this post and start photobombing!
Munchkin is a game for kids 10 and up; as such, your photobomb must be appropriate for 10-year-olds.
You can include a caption, but you don't need to. Funny captions improve your chance of winning, though.
You can enter as many times as you want! Yay!
In order for your entry to be considered valid, you must do one of the following with the picture:
Post it on Twitter and tag us in the tweet (@SJGames).
Post it on Facebook and tag us in the post (SJGames).
Post it on a blog or other website and email us a link to the post (marketing@sjgames.com), with the subject line "Photobomb Contest".
You can be anywhere in the world and still win! Yay!
There will be five winners, chosen by us here at Steve Jackson Games, based on our own fickle senses of humor. Also, if you don't have Photoshop, GIMP is a good, free alternative that'll open those PSDs!
PSD for Spyke (8.2 MB)
PNG for Spyke (1.7 MB)
PSD for Flower (4.2 MB)
PNG for Flower (1.1 MB)
-- Brian Engard

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