System error

error:  Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 117.
113:  my $self = shift(@_);
114:  my $query_nickname = shift(@_);
115:  my $query = shift(@_);
117:  $self->{"queries"}->{$query_nickname} = $self->{"db"}->prepare($query);
119:  return 1;
120:  }
code stack:  /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/
raw error

Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 117.

Trace begun at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 125
HTML::Mason::Exceptions::rethrow_exception('Can\'t call method "prepare" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 117.^J') called at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 117
SJG::Configuration::DB::prepare('SJG::Configuration::DB=HASH(0x7fa8880f68e0)', 'RESERVED', 'select name from qdata where qname=? and upload_date=?') called at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 89
SJG::Configuration::DB::sql('SJG::Configuration::DB=HASH(0x7fa8880f68e0)', 'select name from qdata where qname=? and upload_date=?', 'illq', '2012-05-01') called at /home/www/secure/ill/comps/illcal.mas line 131
HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('sqldate', '2012-05-15') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 135
HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fa887ecfb70)', 'sqldate', '2012-05-15') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1302
eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1292
HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, 'sqldate', '2012-05-15') called at /home/www/secure/ill/ill.html line 150
HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('sqldate', '2012-05-15', 'illuminator', '^J^I^I^I<h1>May 15, 2012: Welcome Back, Randy!</h1>^J^I^I^I<p>^M^J^IRandy Scheunemann is familiar to many of you who play our games or visit us at conventions. When he was last here, Randy contributed to everything from <a href=""><i><b>Revolution!</b></i></a> to <a href=""><i><b>Cthulhu Dice</b></i></a>, and he has spent more hours teaching our games in stores than many of us in the office. And for just over a year Randy was gone, living in the northwest where he worked with our friends at <a href="">Geek Chic</a>. Many of us in Austin were sorry to see him go, but at least he was with a group of great folks and a company we respected.</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IWell, being the wanderer that he is, life directed Randy back to Austin, and as soon as we heard he was moving back we called and said, &quot;Randy, are you looking for work?&quot;</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IWelcome back, Randy! This time he is working as our Retail Liaison and Conventions Manager, two tasks he is perfectly suited to (Randy loves cons and stores, and teaches our games like a master; I&#39;m personally overjoyed to have him in these roles since I know he&#39;ll do an excellent job and not require a lot of my time). Any of you who would like support for your store or convention are encouraged to contact him -- <a href=""></a>. You&#39;re sure to get fantastic and fast service.</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^I-- <a href="">Phil Reed</a></p>^M^J^J^I^I^I<br clear="all">^J^I^I^I^J^I^I^I<p id="discussForum" style="float: right;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Discuss this post on the forums!" /></a></p>^J^I        ^J<!-- addthis -->^J^J<b><span style="float:left; padding:0 1%;">Share this post!</span></b>^J<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style" style="float:left;">^J    <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_reddit" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_tumblr" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_email" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <span class="addthis_separator">|</span>^J    <a class="addthis_button_expanded" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!">More</a>^J</div>^J^J<div style="margin: 5px 0; clear: left;">^J    <a href="" class="small">Permalink</a> &bull;^J    <a href="/ill/archive/" class="small">Archive</a> &bull;^J    <a href="/ill/illsotw/" class="small">Illuminated&nbsp;Site&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;Week</a>^J</div>^J', 'pagetitle', 'Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!', 'mobile', 0, 'description', 'Randy Scheunemann is familiar to many of you who play our games or visit us at conventions. When he was last here, Randy contributed to everything from Revolution! to Cthulhu Dice, and he has spent more hours teaching our games in stores than many of us in the office . . .') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 135
HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fa887e96078)', 'sqldate', '2012-05-15', 'illuminator', '^J^I^I^I<h1>May 15, 2012: Welcome Back, Randy!</h1>^J^I^I^I<p>^M^J^IRandy Scheunemann is familiar to many of you who play our games or visit us at conventions. When he was last here, Randy contributed to everything from <a href=""><i><b>Revolution!</b></i></a> to <a href=""><i><b>Cthulhu Dice</b></i></a>, and he has spent more hours teaching our games in stores than many of us in the office. And for just over a year Randy was gone, living in the northwest where he worked with our friends at <a href="">Geek Chic</a>. Many of us in Austin were sorry to see him go, but at least he was with a group of great folks and a company we respected.</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IWell, being the wanderer that he is, life directed Randy back to Austin, and as soon as we heard he was moving back we called and said, &quot;Randy, are you looking for work?&quot;</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IWelcome back, Randy! This time he is working as our Retail Liaison and Conventions Manager, two tasks he is perfectly suited to (Randy loves cons and stores, and teaches our games like a master; I&#39;m personally overjoyed to have him in these roles since I know he&#39;ll do an excellent job and not require a lot of my time). Any of you who would like support for your store or convention are encouraged to contact him -- <a href=""></a>. You&#39;re sure to get fantastic and fast service.</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^I-- <a href="">Phil Reed</a></p>^M^J^J^I^I^I<br clear="all">^J^I^I^I^J^I^I^I<p id="discussForum" style="float: right;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Discuss this post on the forums!" /></a></p>^J^I        ^J<!-- addthis -->^J^J<b><span style="float:left; padding:0 1%;">Share this post!</span></b>^J<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style" style="float:left;">^J    <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_reddit" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_tumblr" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_email" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <span class="addthis_separator">|</span>^J    <a class="addthis_button_expanded" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!">More</a>^J</div>^J^J<div style="margin: 5px 0; clear: left;">^J    <a href="" class="small">Permalink</a> &bull;^J    <a href="/ill/archive/" class="small">Archive</a> &bull;^J    <a href="/ill/illsotw/" class="small">Illuminated&nbsp;Site&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;Week</a>^J</div>^J', 'pagetitle', 'Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!', 'mobile', 0, 'description', 'Randy Scheunemann is familiar to many of you who play our games or visit us at conventions. When he was last here, Randy contributed to everything from Revolution! to Cthulhu Dice, and he has spent more hours teaching our games in stores than many of us in the office . . .') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1302
eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1292
HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, 'sqldate', '2012-05-15', 'illuminator', '^J^I^I^I<h1>May 15, 2012: Welcome Back, Randy!</h1>^J^I^I^I<p>^M^J^IRandy Scheunemann is familiar to many of you who play our games or visit us at conventions. When he was last here, Randy contributed to everything from <a href=""><i><b>Revolution!</b></i></a> to <a href=""><i><b>Cthulhu Dice</b></i></a>, and he has spent more hours teaching our games in stores than many of us in the office. And for just over a year Randy was gone, living in the northwest where he worked with our friends at <a href="">Geek Chic</a>. Many of us in Austin were sorry to see him go, but at least he was with a group of great folks and a company we respected.</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IWell, being the wanderer that he is, life directed Randy back to Austin, and as soon as we heard he was moving back we called and said, &quot;Randy, are you looking for work?&quot;</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IWelcome back, Randy! This time he is working as our Retail Liaison and Conventions Manager, two tasks he is perfectly suited to (Randy loves cons and stores, and teaches our games like a master; I&#39;m personally overjoyed to have him in these roles since I know he&#39;ll do an excellent job and not require a lot of my time). Any of you who would like support for your store or convention are encouraged to contact him -- <a href=""></a>. You&#39;re sure to get fantastic and fast service.</p>^M^J<p>^M^J^I-- <a href="">Phil Reed</a></p>^M^J^J^I^I^I<br clear="all">^J^I^I^I^J^I^I^I<p id="discussForum" style="float: right;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Discuss this post on the forums!" /></a></p>^J^I        ^J<!-- addthis -->^J^J<b><span style="float:left; padding:0 1%;">Share this post!</span></b>^J<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style" style="float:left;">^J    <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_reddit" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_tumblr" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <a class="addthis_button_email" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!"></a>^J    <span class="addthis_separator">|</span>^J    <a class="addthis_button_expanded" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!">More</a>^J</div>^J^J<div style="margin: 5px 0; clear: left;">^J    <a href="" class="small">Permalink</a> &bull;^J    <a href="/ill/archive/" class="small">Archive</a> &bull;^J    <a href="/ill/illsotw/" class="small">Illuminated&nbsp;Site&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;Week</a>^J</div>^J', 'pagetitle', 'Daily Illuminator: Welcome Back, Randy!', 'mobile', 0, 'description', 'Randy Scheunemann is familiar to many of you who play our games or visit us at conventions. When he was last here, Randy contributed to everything from Revolution! to Cthulhu Dice, and he has spent more hours teaching our games in stores than many of us in the office . . .') called at /home/www/secure/ill/index.html line 4
HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('month', 'May', 'day', 15, 'year', 2012, 'u', 'Welcome_Back_Randy.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 135
HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fa887e84d98)', 'month', 'May', 'day', 15, 'year', 2012, 'u', 'Welcome_Back_Randy.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1302
eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1292
HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, 'month', 'May', 'day', 15, 'year', 2012, 'u', 'Welcome_Back_Randy.html') called at /home/www/secure/ill/archive/dhandler line 3
HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('u', 'Welcome_Back_Randy.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 135
HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fa8866da418)', 'u', 'Welcome_Back_Randy.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1297
eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1292
HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef, 'u', 'Welcome_Back_Randy.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 481
eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 481
eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 433
HTML::Mason::Request::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fa8881055e8)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 168
HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fa8881055e8)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 825
HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handle_request('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fa88601e2c8)', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7fa888112980)') called at (eval 29) line 8
HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handler('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7fa888112980)') called at -e line 0
eval {...} at -e line 0