Daily Illuminator

May 19, 2021: Kickstarter Reports, May 2021 Update

How is it that so much of May is already behind us? Somehow, the clock keeps moving forward faster and faster, accelerating toward whatever doomsday awaits us in the (hopefully) distant future. While we wait for the collapse of society and destruction of the universe, it is time to turn our attention to our current Kickstarter projects. As always, we ask that you follow us on Kickstarter – Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 – to receive notice when we launch new campaigns. And there are some fun campaigns in the works and planned for launch this year!

Steve Jackson Games Button Packs

  • April 28 to May 6
  • 310 backers and on schedule
  • A very small project, but a fun one that perfectly illustrates how Kickstarter can allow us to invest a little energy into unusual tangents. Darryll is building the BackerKit survey while Philip and James verify that we have everything we need to start shipping the rewards.  

Hexagram #7, an Old-School RPG Zine for The Fantasy Trip

  • April 12 to April 19
  • 805 backers and on schedule
  • Everything is either already at Warehouse 23 or in the last days of printing and almost ready to ship. So far, no troubles at all and the project has been as routine and free of stress as we like to see. 

Hexagram #6, an Old-School RPG Zine for The Fantasy Trip

  • November 17 to December 1 (2020)
  • 775 backers and shipped
  • Although all of the rewards shipped to backers in April, there are still a few dozen playmats stuck in the United States postal service that are causing some frustrations. The post office happily accepted the packages and money, but they seem to misunderstand their role in the process: deliver things quickly and efficiently! We continue to watch the situation.

Car Wars Sixth Edition by Steve Jackson Games

  • November 29 (2019) to January 6 (2020)
  • 3,936 backers, behind schedule
  • The game is shifting officially into the assembly phase and we should start seeing images from the factory showing final assembly of the project. Next? The dreaded ocean freight.

That's four open projects, one of which has shipped (but is stuck in the USPS system), one in the last stages at the factory, and the buttons and Hexagram zine that are both being made in the U.S. as you read this.

We have a few larger campaigns in the works for launch at Kickstarter this summer. Please follow both Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 on Kickstarter so that you don't miss any of our upcoming campaigns, which include Wiz-War, GURPS Girl Genius, and a new wave of Pocket Box games.

-- Phil Reed

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