Daily Illuminator

April 28, 2014: Crowdfunding Focus: Marauder Task Force Action Figures

Check out these sweet figures!

Described as "Gaming Figures" on the project page, the Marauder 1/18 scale action figures are potentially fun for GURPS players who would like to dramatically expand their games and use much larger hexes than the usual gaming scale. These figures use modular gear to create a variety of modern military soliders, and I'm betting someone with GURPS High-Tech and GURPS Tactical Shooting could use these -- along with some giant sheets of hex paper and/or properly-scaled terrain -- to create one amazing display for a convention game.

I've seen action figures used in roleplaying sessions before (a few of Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk RPG sessions I've spotted at conventions used action figures and were awesome), so I'm fairly confident that there are more than a few players out there who would enjoy sitting down to an incredible display to run a violent and fun firefight using something larger and more dynamic than the usual gaming miniature.

The project is in its final days, so check the Kickstarter page for a look at the figures and the options, and then imagine how amazing your GURPS modern military games would look if you used these toys (along with various G.I. Joe and The Corps action figures and vehicles) to construct a giant battleground. I've backed this one and I'm looking forward to receiving the big box of figures and gear . . . I may just have to construct a gaming diorama just to give all of the figures a place to fight once they arrive.

-- Phil Reed


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