April 30, 2019: Summer ConventionsI'll be at five shows between now and the end of August. Come visit if you get the chance! • Brickworld in Schaumburg, IL. This is a Lego show, and I'm going because I love Lego, but there always has to be some gaming, so there is. Guy Himber and I will be running a charity game of Munchkin on his incredible, custom-built Lego board. With prizes every time you level up. Not to be missed! • Origins in Columbus, OH. This is a conflict with Brickworld, darn it, so I will be able to attend only the last day of Origins. I'll try to keep busy . . . • LibertyCon in Chattanooga, TN. The event is already sold out! So don't come to Chattatown and try to get in at the door. Sorry about that. But if you already have your membership, come look for me in Gaming. • Gen Con in Indianapolis, IN. I'll be there for the whole con. I will be doing the "Steve vs. the World" Ogre game, with tickets going for the Gen Con charity. No doubt other things, too. And I will wear a huge hat with a balloon on it so you can find me . . . No. Actually, no, I won't. So look for me at our booth. • The World Science Fiction Convention in Dublin, Ireland. I will have the great privilege of being one of the Guests of Honour at the 77th World Science Fiction Convention. The other GoHs are Bill and Mary Burns, Diane Duane, Ginjer Buchanan, Ian McDonald, and Jocelyn Bell Burnell. I will be easy to find there, too . . . I will be the one wandering around with a shellshocked expression, playing a lot of games! Share this post! |
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