Daily Illuminator

August 25, 2023: Introducing Cat Webling, Amazon Marketing Manager

My headshot, taken by my sister!

Hi! I'm Cat, and I'm the new Amazon Marketing Manager for Steve Jackson Games. What I do is essentially engage in a battle of wits with the almighty Amazon monolith on a daily basis to make sure that the SJ Games storefront is as cool as it can possibly be and that people are seeing all the fun stuff we make when they shop. I'm excited to work with such a fun and passionate group of folks with a lot of the same interests as me, and I hope you'll be excited to see what I've been working on!
I've been working in the gaming world for three years, and playing in it for way longer than that. I'm an editor and contributor for SUPERJUMP Magazine, an Australian, award-winning publication all about the human aspect of gaming that I absolutely love. I've written about tons of different tabletop gaming topics including building a character sheet and running a session zero, all based on the experiences I've had playing with my friends. I've worked with Reflect Studios on the game Scrutinized, and with Fantasy Topics, writing all about Stardew Valley (yes, I definitely have too many hours in the game, and no, I will not be stopping any time soon).

My Stardew Valley farmer. She’s married to Harvey.

On my own time, I'm a sci-fi-fantasy writer and a poet. I'm currently working on a fun sci-fi horror novel about a monster on a space station. When I'm not writing, working, or gaming, you can usually find me snuggling one of my furbabies or playing with my son, often with a hot mug of builder's tea by my side. You can find more about me on my website.

My cat, Wiggles. She likes to sleep on our kitchen counters and will happily steal your sandwich meat if it’s left unattended.


-- Cat Weblin

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