Daily Illuminator Archive for February 2020
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February 1, 2020:
With the latest issue of Hexagram coming to Kickstarter this month (click here for email notification when the project launches), it's time that we direct your attention to the Facebook group for The Fantasy Trip. This is a fan-organized and managed group, so it's not under our control, but we're happy to see that community continue to grow as more and more players discover the fun of this classic roleplaying game . . .
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February 2, 2020:
Have you ever wanted to run through an obstacle course designed in an abandoned military-training facility? What if that obstacle course was in the future? . . .
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February 3, 2020:
If you're looking for our latest games, expansions, and accessories, visit your friendly local game store today! Not only are local stores a fantastic place to find the newest games, but better still, many offer space where you and your friends can get together for a round of Munchkin, Zombie Dice, or whatever you're most interested in playing that day! . . .
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February 4, 2020:
Phil completed the Stakeholders Report in January! That is the earliest that it has ever been done . . .
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February 6, 2020:
On Monday, February 10, The Fantasy Trip returns to Kickstarter with the latest issue of our zine for the game, Hexagram! In 2019, we produced three Hexagram issues (two of them thanks to your support), and now we're back to join in the Zine Quest 2 event on Kickstarter . . .
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February 7, 2020:
If you have been wondering: What do the Pocket Box reprints look like in comparison to the original games, then this YouTube comparison by Rick Koeppen is for you! In this video, Rick unboxes the Necromancer retro reprint and compares the components to a copy of the 1983 original game . . .
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February 8, 2020:
We have partnered with BackerKit to open a new dice preorder store! This is your chance to place your order and then watch the mail for new dice . . .
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February 9, 2020:
Our first issue of Hexagram (available now at Warehouse 23) included a contest: create a whole adventure on a postcard. The response was great – when all was said and done, we had an even 40 entries! . . .
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February 10, 2020:
Later today, the newest issue of Hexagram launches on Kickstarter. This zine, for use with The Fantasy Trip, was created last year as a part of Kickstarter's Zine Quest event, and we are proud to bring it back for the second Zine Quest campaign . . .
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February 11, 2020:
Our latest round of new releases is shipping to distributors and scheduled to reach stores on February 26th. Visit your favorite local game store today to preorder them . . .
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February 12, 2020:
Hello, Munchkin fanatics! We've got a full monthly Musings coming your way in a few days, but this news was cool enough that we didn't want to wait . . .
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February 13, 2020:
In 2019, Kickstarter became a more important part of our operations and we launched and closed a total of 11 different Kickstarter campaign across our two accounts. A total of $638,497 was pledged to our Kickstarter projects during the year (which doesn't include BackerKit funds), supporting the idea that the crowdfunding platform is a very important part of today's market . . .
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February 14, 2020:
It's Valentine's Day and love is in the air at the SJ Games offices. Or is that a burning smell? . . .
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February 15, 2020:
Lots and lots of RPG maps are out there . . . laid out with squares. Hex maps are harder to find! . . .
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February 16, 2020:
Today is the last full day to preorder the latest Ogre plastic miniatures! This set of two super-sized cybertanks, priced at $20, is scheduled to ship to Indiegogo supporters and all preorder backers in June of this year . . .
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February 17, 2020:
Why is there a floating head on the cover of Hexagram #4? You'll have to read it to find out! . . .
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February 19, 2020:
Scott Palter, best known for his studio West End Games, passed away on Monday, February 17. Many knew him as a legend of the roleplaying and wargame world, producing seminal titles such as Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and the DC Universe Roleplaying Game . . .
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February 20, 2020:
Defend your dungeon against the annoying munchkins! That's the idea behind Munchkin Mighty Monsters, a fast-playing card game set in the Munchkin universe . . .
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February 21, 2020:
Once again, Steve Jackson Games will be showing off our games at PAX East in Boston (Feb. 27 – March 1). If you want to see what all this Car Wars hullabaloo is about, come by for a demo . . .
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February 22, 2020:
I have semi-final table assignments for FnordCon: 14 tables for RPGs, four for Car Wars, six for Munchkin. Times a weekend's worth of game slots . . . equals a lot of games . . .
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February 23, 2020:
Crazy Bricks. Based on the hit comic and RPG Mouse Guard, this set comprises 13 different figures, including the rebel Midnight and an Axe Army mouse . . .
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February 24, 2020:
We post to the Daily Illuminator (daily!), and have for over two decades, but we know you can't always make a visit to sjgames.com a part of your morning routine. Fortunately, in today's world, there are other ways to keep in touch with us and stay up-to-date on our latest projects and releases . . .
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February 25, 2020:
Not all of us are blessed with superpowers, but you and your friends can get a taste of what they would feel like with Super Munchkin. Become a Mutant, Techno, Mystic, or Exotic, with weird powers including Flatness, Flight, Flames, and even some that don't begin with FL! . . .
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February 26, 2020:
Every time another piece of TFT history comes up, I'm boggled all over again . . .
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February 27, 2020:
I just backed this Kickstarter zine project, and the company will back it, too, so we'll have a copy in each library. I am very impressed by the writing style – as the author says, it's influenced by Jack Vance . . .
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February 28, 2020:
SFeraKon is a big SF (and games, media, et cetera) convention held in Zagreb, the capital and biggest city of Croatia. John Kovalic was a guest last year, and had a really good time . . .
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February 29, 2020:
Our friends at Looney Labs have launched a new Kickstarter project: Pyramid Quartet! They took three of their favorite games from Pyramid Arcade, plus one new game, and packaged them in stand-alone boxes so you can throw one in your backpack and go! (Or you can order them to overstock your collection of pyramids . . .
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