January 21, 2020: Munchkin Musings: January 2020
Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to a year full of fun times with good friends and great games . . . you might say that it's my 2020 vision. (And that is the one and only 2020 joke I'm allowed to make in Munchkin Musings this year. Got it out of the way early, just for y'all.)
We've got a busy year planned, much of which I can't talk about yet (or I won't have any Musings for the rest of the year!), but I have some previews to offer . . .
Last year, we ran a Kickstarter for three new 30-card expansions for Star Munchkin, Munchkin Zombies, and Munchkin Cthulhu. Those have made their way to the Kickstarter backers and we're releasing them to stores over the next couple of months. Munchkin Zombies: Grave Mistakes is already on its way to stores (and may be on shelves when this posts). Munchkin Cthulhu: Sanity Check will start shipping to our distribution partners later this week. And Star Munchkin: Landing Party will ship next month or at the start of March (we're still trying to invert the phase refractionator to get you a solid answer). Each one shuffles right into your game to add a little uncertainty, a little mayhem, and a lot of new jokes to the fun!
But that's not all: coming in May, we have a stand-alone reprint of Munchkin Unicorns, originally part of the Munchkin Unicorns and Friends package. This 15-card set has art by Katie Cook and silly puns by that hairy-footed guy in the orange helmet up there. Lots of people told us they missed the Kickstarter and really wanted these cards, so here they are! (We aren't through working with Katie this year; she drew the art for a new Munchkin core game that will be out this summer – get all the details next month.)
Speaking of Kickstarter and 2019, we have fulfilled the rewards for the Munchkin Pathfinder 3 – Odd Ventures campaign and will be releasing those items to the world as well. Look for Goblin Dice in March, Odd Ventures in April, and the Munchkin Pathfinder Kill-O-Meter in May. If you missed it last fall, we also released a new printing of Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe that included a dozen bonus cards with the iconic heroes from the Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest. If you passed on that printing because you already had Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe, you can still get those Hero Cards on Warehouse 23. Of course, the Truly Gobnoxious, Gobsmacked, and Munchkin Pathinder 2 – Guns and Razzes expansions are all still available. Why, Munchkin Pathfinder has had more support than almost any other set . . .
Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar
. . . almost.
Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar came out in October and was another instant hit. The first expansion, Death and Destruction, is set to arrive in stores next month, followed by a Kill-O-Meter in March, Lightning Dice in April, and the second expansion, Chaos and Order, in May.
We aren't through with Munchkin Warhammer 40,000, either. It's too early to tell you exactly what's coming, but there is definitely more on the way!
Crazy Cooks
As if all that wasn't enough, we took Munchkin Crazy Cooks (previously exclusive to Barnes & Noble) and made it available through our online store, Warehouse 23. If you wanted to know what the dungeon kitchen might be like, this set may give you an idea. It also has new Food tokens, which give you another perfectly balanced way to win the game! (Seriously. A balanced diet is very important, y'all.)
What Else?
You mean that wasn't enough? You monsters!
I'm currently working on several expansions for the second half of the year, including the return of one of our favorite types of mini-expansions. Phil is planning a couple of Munchkin Kickstarters, so I'm sure he'll have more information in the Daily Illuminator over the next few weeks.
Oh, and we have something very special planned for August. Those of you at Gen Con might just get an early peek. Watch this space in a few months to learn more about it!
-- Andrew Hackard

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