June 6, 2013: Origins Just One Week Away!
By this time next week, the Steve Jackson Games booth at Origins will be set up and ready to run. Here are a few reminders on why you should head to Origins and come see us.
You can play a preview set of Ogre Designer's Edition against Steve himself! He'll be squaring off against up to 12 opponents, taking them all on simultaneously in 12 different games. Ogre Line Editor Daniel will handle another group of combatants. Get all the details in Daniel's post about the event.
Meet other members of our staff. Play demo games with them!
Check out previews of upcoming releases.
You'll have your first chance to buy a copy of Castellan. This game has been a huge hit whenever and wherever we've demoed it. Origins will be your opportunity to grab it before anyone else. We expect to have only 72 copies on hand. There will be other cool pre-releases as well.
The Origins Coupon Book will get you 10% off any purchase from our sales partner Adventure Retail.
The back page of that coupon book is a cool Ogre promo you won't be able to get anywhere else!
Other stuff!
Hope to see you there!
-- Ben Williams

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