March 2, 2024: Saethor's Bane On BackerkitSaethor's Bane is a conversion to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG of David Pulver's excellent Dark Lord's Doom, available for both TFT and OSE (with greyscale interior) by Gaming Ballistic. It is designed to showcase the capabilities and options of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, taking four martial characters – the spellcasters would be assigned to a different unit – through a full campaign arc. It presents a fantastic opportunity to – by obtaining the core rules and the solo adventure – to try out the Dungeon Fantasy RPG and experience how much fun it can be once you get to the table. The characters start at 125-150 points (Journeymen level from Delvers to Grow) and rapidly advance as the adventure progresses. Very rapidly. Artificially rapidly. Showcasing how the capability of characters grows, what options that affords, enabling players and GMs to see what it takes to challenge characters at different skill levels. Saethor's Bane marks the 20th product Gaming Ballistic has publishing for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Four bestiaries, quick-start character generation, adventures, rules, and books of magic items, all beautifully illustrated in full color. It launched on February 20 on Backerkit Crowdfunding and met its funding goal of $5,000 within eight hours. It's on track to achieve its stretch goal at $21,000 to colorize the maps, interior art, and character illustrations. The campaign ends on March 9, at 9pm Central Time. Right now, more than one in seven backers has also picked up the core rules: There's never been a better way to introduce people to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS, and introduce new folks to our corner of the hobby! -- Douglas Cole Share this post! |
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