March 24, 2024: Maker In GlassA hobby almost completely unconnected to gaming: I love studio glass, and have a small collection. Because it's beautiful. My most engaging piece is named BRUTUS, which stands for "By Recognizing Universal Truths Unconsciousness Subsides." It's also a reference to the "brutalist" style of architecture. BRUTUS is a marble run . . . made of glass! This is art that does things! BRUTUS was created by Bandhu Durham, who literally wrote the book on the "lampworking" style of glass art. He's putting Contemporary Lampworking into a two-volume fourth edition, supported by an Indiegogo. If you are a Maker in glass, or want to be . . . have a look. Here are links to three different BRUTUS videos: Start with this 20-second clip, shot after it was installed at my house. If you like it, here's a longer one. If you really like it, here's the 25-minute documentary about the making and testing of BRUTUS. Share this post! |
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