Daily Illuminator

March 7, 2014: Introducing David Arlund

Dave carrying an Ogre!


I'm David, resident Physicist / Shipping Clerk out here in Warehouse 23. My job tends to include such tasks as boxing up all sorts of Munchkins, making "friends" with the shipping software, and ensuring none of the more physics-y things go wrong. So far, so good (well, you haven't seen any unstable anomalies lately, have you? That means it's working!).

I was born a little south of here in San Antonio shortly before my family moved to a little town in the panhandle of Florida, named Niceville. Oh, and the answer is "Yes, people are generally pretty nice there, and no, that's not the first time I've heard that one." From there I went off to the University of Florida where I studied Physics and Astronomy (and still can't win a game of The Stars are Right), and got myself published in *ahem* The International Journal of Quantum Chemistry /*ahem*.

A couple years later, I somehow or other I wound up back in my home state of Texas. Once here, I, through a strange series of events, got to know several members of SJGames. So, when word came down the line about needing help for shipping something called Ogre, I jumped at the chance. Turns out, all I had to do was move upwards of 40 tons of games myself, and they decided to keep me around.

As such, it's nice to meet y'all, and you can rest assured that it is very very unlikely that any of your packages from W23 will suddenly implode. I think.

-- David Arlund

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