March 26, 2006: GDC Report
So. Chris and I have returned from the Game Developers Conference, alive and reasonably intact. No, we did not get acquired, acquire anybody, or in fact sign any Big Deals at all. But there were some interesting discussions, and I have a stack of business cards that is, no kidding, an inch tall.
A blow-by-blow account would involve way too many blows, so here are a few snapshots:
- The conference needs more space, or fewer people, or more alternate events, or all of the above. I didn't get into Will Wright's talk; the line wrapped nearly all the way around the block. I fled the "suite night" event Thursday . . . the rooms had apparently been inundated by a starving horde as soon as they opened, and by the time I got there, the whole floor was nearly too packed to move, and far too noisy to talk.
- But every one of the presentations that I attended was good, and some were very good indeed. One highlight was the Three Rings presentation, which discussed both Puzzle Pirates and their upcoming Bang! Howdy . . . and, as is their subversive custom, revealed not only how much money they are making and spending, but where it's going.
- As at any trade show, a lot of junk was being given away. I have too much STUFF already, and tend to leave most of the swag behind, but there's always a standout or two. The gift that earned the greatest goodwill was from IBM . . . which thoughtfully stuffed the attendee packages with simple, invaluable note pads. Mine was about half full before the show was over! The best TOY was definitely the sticky darts that was giving away (usually by throwing them).
Steve Jackson

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