Daily Illuminator

November 9, 2013: Everyone Needs A Hobby


One of the many perks of working here at Steve Jackson Games is having an employer who understands when you have a geeky obsession. So when I asked for a good chunk of time off from work at the end of last June, I knew I could be 100% forthcoming with the reason for my absence.

I told Phil Reed, "I want to enter something in the P3 Grandmaster Painting Competition at Gen Con this year but I waited too long to get started and I'll never be able to finish it unless I can spend a week at home."

"OK," he replied. "Just make sure the dates you'll be away get added to the calendar."

Well I must have put the time to good use, because I walked away with my second Best Unit trophy, and my third P3 trophy. You can check out the two part tutorial I posted for it on BoLS Wargaming News if you want to see more.

Of course I've still got my eyes on the trophy; as in the best in show, best overall, one and only the grandmaster trophy. But I'll have to wait at least one more year for that. I'll also have to figure out how to outpaint this.

-- Ben Williams

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