Daily Illuminator

November 19, 2018: Introducing Alex Yeager!


It started here, and it's led me here.


Through high school and college, two boardgames dominated my play: Cosmic Encounters and Illuminati. Sure, there was the usual roleplaying (D&D, Hero System, Paranoia), but I spent a lot of time attacking to control in lieu of classes.

Flash to 1994, and the release of Illuminati: New World Order. I went WAAAAY down the rabbit hole, and was an active poster and fan contributor to the game, enough to be part of the playtesting group for later material. This led me to being one of the charter Men in Black in 1997, and my first "professional" gigs selling with Adventure Retail for SJ Games at Origins and Gen Con. Volunteering for Cheapass Games and Mayfair Games followed, and I was eventually hired by Mayfair in 2005. When Mayfair was sold this year, I was the Vice-President of Acquisitions and Development (basically, I helped find them and make them better), with over 300 professional playtest and development credits to my name. There's even a few SJ Games titles in that list, if you look hard enough. 

Now, I get to help SJ Games show off their games at shows as the new Events Coordinator. Like I need hobbies beyond all of this, but I do read comics (DC/Vertigo guy), have a soft spot for late 1980s UK indie music, cook reasonably well, and occasionally update my alcohol blog. I live in Michigan with too many toys, not enough pets, and the perfect number of wives (Julie Yeager, also with Steve Jackson Games). We'll see you at PAX Unplugged and beyond!



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