September 26, 2014: Buy Munchkin Treasure Hunt, Get A Free Journal!

Are you planning on going out to Toys 'R' Us to buy our new game, Munchkin Treasure Hunt? Save your receipt! It's worth a free Munchkin Treasure Hunt Journal to you, and we'll throw in some cool Munchkin promos as well. The details:
Buy Munchkin Treasure Hunt from a Toys 'R' Us store or
Send us a copy of your itemized receipt by December 31, 2014. Address: PO Box 18957, Austin, TX 78760
Include a legal-sized (4.125" x 9.5") envelope with your address and $0.69 postage, so we can send it back to you! (U.S. addresses only, please.) Find more details on self-addressed stamped envelopes.
We'll send you a Munchkin Treasure Hunt Journal!
Limit one per customer.
While supplies last. We only have so many of these, so get them early! We'll let you know when we run out. (If you've already sent in your receipt, we'll still send you some promos, so no one is left empty-handed.)
This is only open to Munchkin fans in the United States. We're sorry, but international postage is just too expensive.
-- Brian Engard

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