Daily Illuminator

April 9, 2017: Thanks, Cracked!

If you're a hip cat who knows all the swell web hangouts, you already know about Cracked.com, the neato cyber-version of the classic humor mag. (You're also wondering what the heck that last sentence means, because you're not 46 years old, like I am.)


Recently, Cracked columnist Chris Rio tackled a subject near to our own hearts, in "5 Reasons Why Board Games Now Are Way Better Than 90s Ones" (complete with missing apostrophe on the decade – oh, Chris, you wacky rebel). It's not a bad article, all things considered (and it's way less NSFW than many Cracked articles – probably should have mentioned that at the beginning), but the reason we're linking to it is this sentence from the summatory paragraph: "But the [indie] market is still there, thanks to hits like Settlers Of Catan, Fluxx, Munchkin, and countless others."

We're glad to be linked with two other pretty cool games as "hits," and we're pretty OK with the rest of the article, too. Thanks, Chris and the Cracked team!

-- Andrew Hackard

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