April 18, 2017: Ogre Miniatures Set 1 BackerKit Closing Today!We've reached another checkpoint for Ogre Miniatures Set 1; BackerKit surveys and preorders are closing today! If you're a Kickstarter backer, this means that you need to submit your BackerKit survey to get rewards by the end of the day. If you've already submitted your survey, then you're all set! For you fans who missed the Ogre Miniatures Set 1 Kickstarter, or are just now hearing about this, preorder using this BackerKit link. It's the perfect complement to Ogre Sixth Edition, with over 40 detailed miniatures representing all the units in the base game. If you're on the fence, we have some early test shots to tantalize you. These are not final products, but are close to what you'll be seeing in the finished miniatures. (The Ogre Mark V has slight gun-angle issues, which we are addressing.) We use the term "miniature" loosely when it comes to Ogres, of course; these things are sizeable. We can't wait to get the sets out to backers and preorders later this year! Plus, you can get some cool alternate colors, like hunter-green, or even glow-in-the-dark. Make sure you preorder before midnight tonight. If you're already a backer, get that survey submitted! Share this post! |
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