Daily Illuminator Archive for April 2013

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April 1, 2013:
Are you looking for a big venue for your Car Wars mayhem? A really big venue? . . . read article

April 2, 2013:
We have a pile of new things coming your way in June. The long-awaited Castellan is making its debut, along with Munchkin Holiday Surprise, Munchkin Zombies Decay d6, and the Zombie Dice Score Pad! Castellan Two players work together to build a castle . . . read article

April 3, 2013:
I had a great email conversation with the folks at Powell's Books in Portland. Go read it and find out why I almost swore off ice cream forever, what I think you should study to work in the game industry, and what my last thought will probably be . . . read article

April 4, 2013:
To make a long story short: I'd like to plow some Munchkin money back into the game hobby. Here's a very direct invitation . . . read article

April 5, 2013:
If you're in the South Texas area and would like a sneak peek at Ogre Designer's Edition, drop by Chimaeracon in San Antonio this Saturday, April 6. There will be an Ogre event from 9am to 1pm hosted by Al Griego, and I'll continue to run drop-in demos from 2pm to 5pm . . . read article

April 6, 2013:
I'm Keith Blackard, the (not so) new Munchkin Hireling. (We wanted to make sure he'd survive. -Lenny) As you probably already know, Lenny is still with us as the Munchkin Baron. I hope to have a royal-sounding title one day, myself . . . read article

April 7, 2013:
This headline, from The Atlantic, sounds like an Illuminati play, but apparently it's a very real problem. Especially if you happen to be swimming in the Black Sea. -- Andrew Hackard (Update: No, it wasn't true . . . read article

April 8, 2013:
When the rat race gets to be too much, sometimes it's best to simplify . . . and maybe curl up with a classic. That's true both today and in the pothole-pocked future of Car Wars . . . read article

April 9, 2013:
I was honored to be part of the main International TableTop Day event in Los Angeles on March 30, and I wanted to share my impressions of the event. First of all, what an AMAZING day for our hobby . . . read article

April 10, 2013:
You've already read about Andrew's International Tabletop Day. I didn't get to rub elbows with the stars, but I got to have a great day playing games . . . read article

April 11, 2013:
Steve and Andrew weren't the only ones at the office who had fun on International Tabletop Day. With Andrew safely on the ground in LA and Steve's home base established at Wonko's, James Holder, Randy Schuenemann, and I split up to divide and conquer the rest of Austin . . . read article

April 12, 2013:
Over the last few years we have seen hobby game publishers and distributors signing exclusivity deals. Alliance has signed Z-Man Games, Cryptozoic Entertainment, and Mayfair Games, while ACD has signed Playroom Entertainment, Queen Games, Game Salute, and Swan Panasia . . . read article

April 13, 2013:
We haven't said enough about Munchkin Pathfinder lately, so let's rectify that! The playtesting process is pretty much done . . . read article

April 14, 2013:
Surely all my readers must be aware of filk, the hybrid of folksinging and parody that emerged from the science fiction community half a century ago and won't go away. Back when I was a lad, recordings were expensive and filk was shared, if at all, on really lousy tape cassettes . . . read article

April 15, 2013:
What's more Discoridian than a Discoridian bible? A Discordian bible that doesn't exist -- at least not in the physical realm . . . read article

April 16, 2013:
Randy and I will be bringing Ogre, Castellan, and a bunch of other games to Dallas Games Marathon this weekend, from around 4pm at Friday, and all day Saturday (Apr 19-20) . . . read article

April 17, 2013:
Amidst the excitement of nonstop demos at PAX East, I managed to free up a little time for an interview with Bo from Tabletop Gaming News. Click the picture to watch me talk Ogre, Munchkin Pathfinder, and Castellan . . . read article

April 18, 2013:
I did NOT try to finish it during my time off. See? Recovering workaholic . . . read article

April 19, 2013:
The winter over here in Europe has been extremely long and dark. This was good for gaming, but though I played quite a lot and joined a wonderful private International TableTop Day evening in Nuremberg, the time without a convention has been way too long for me . . . read article

April 20, 2013:
I'm looking for some record-setting Munchkin players for my essay for The Munchkin Book. Oh, you haven't heard of that? . . . read article

April 21, 2013:
Books, as you would know if you were to see the shelves and stacks in my home, are one of those obsessions that threatens to consume me. There are so many books around the house that the latest project is a redecoration job to line the bedroom walls with more shelves . . . read article

April 22, 2013:
One of the biggest success stories on e23 in recent years has been GURPS Social Engineering, William H. Stoddard's sourcebook for interpersonal interactions . . . read article

April 23, 2013:
Andros" means "man" in Greek. The English suffix "-oid" means "having the likeness of." Hence "android" -- "a robot with the likeness of a human." Is an Ogre an android? . . . read article

April 24, 2013:
Steve and I had the chance to test one of the bonus scenarios promised in the Ogre Kickstarter. It's provisionally entitled "Clash of the Titans." It's a big, two-map scenario, designed to showcase some of the different Ogres which come in the big box . . . read article

April 25, 2013:
Since its first show in 2007, the Role Play Convention in Germany has continuously grown, and is now, after a move from Muenster to the Cologne Fair in 2009, Europe's biggest fantasy gaming event with more than 50,000 visitors. Just like Gen Con or SPIEL in Essen, the RPC has established its own awards, where the fans can decide what the year's best games of the fantastic genre are . . . read article

April 26, 2013:
We've received penultimate tray samples for Ogre Designer's Edition, which are a beautiful fit. All the 3-D counters in the Kickstarter edition. Enough firepower to take over the globe. The Kickstarter edition, plus one of each sponsored sheet. The great news is that it's possible to fit all the 3-D counters in the Ogre garage, even with the sponsored sheets . . . read article

April 27, 2013:
Here's a list of all the cool goodies headed your way later this summer. Expect to see Castellan (international edition), Munchkin Level Playing Field, and Munchkin Boxes of Holding Set 2 on store shelves this July! Castellan (international edition) Two players work together to build a castle . . . read article

April 28, 2013:
We did the happy dance when a full set of Ogre arrived this week. We'll let the pictures speak for themselves: Above: contents of the Ogre Designer's Edition Kickstarter box. Yes, that's the orange crater map way off in the horizon. Above: contents of the Ogre Designer's Edition Kickstarter box, plus one of each sponsored sheet The pictures above don't include the Read Me First sheet, or Pocket Ogre (which some Kickstarter supporters are receiving. Pocket Ogre will also be available separately) . . . read article

April 29, 2013:
What do you get when you collect 48 monsters in one spot? If you guessed GURPS Classic: Monsters, you're right! . . . read article

April 30, 2013:
My October 26, 2012 Daily Illuminator told how we had supported the Form 1 project on Kickstarter. It appears that no, we didn't do that after all . . . read article

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