System error
error: | Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 117. |
context: |
code stack: |
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ /home/www/secure/ill/comps/illcal.mas:131 /home/www/secure/ill/ill.html:150 /home/www/secure/ill/index.html:4 /home/www/secure/ill/archive/dhandler:3 |
Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 117. Trace begun at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 125 HTML::Mason::Exceptions::rethrow_exception('Can\'t call method "prepare" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 117.^J') called at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 117 SJG::Configuration::DB::prepare('SJG::Configuration::DB=HASH(0x7ffb63269f10)', 'RESERVED', 'select name from qdata where qname=? and upload_date=?') called at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/SJG/Configuration/ line 89 SJG::Configuration::DB::sql('SJG::Configuration::DB=HASH(0x7ffb63269f10)', 'select name from qdata where qname=? and upload_date=?', 'illq', '2023-04-01') called at /home/www/secure/ill/comps/illcal.mas line 131 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('sqldate', '2023-04-21') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 135 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7ffb64a50250)', 'sqldate', '2023-04-21') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1302 eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1292 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, 'sqldate', '2023-04-21') called at /home/www/secure/ill/ill.html line 150 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('sqldate', '2023-04-21', 'illuminator', '^J^I^I^I<h1>April 21, 2023: A Very <I>Munchkin</I> Birthday</h1>^J^I^I^I<p>^M^J^IOur friends, the Griegos, shared pictures from their combined birthday party for mom, Jessica, and kid, Robin. As you can see, they chose to have a <a href=""><i><b>Munchkin</b></i></a>-themed party! Fun themed party favors, snacks, and of course <i><b>Munchkin,</b></i> were all enjoyed, as well as hilarious custom shirts. Jessica and her husband Daniel have even cosplayed as <i><b>Munchkin</b></i> characters! You may recall the Griego name as Jessica's father, Al, spent some time on staff with us at Steve Jackson Games and is a long-time MIB. He also helped coordinate with us to get the sweet party decor. </p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IThanks to the Griegos for sharing such cool party pictures, and remember: Go Up A Level! </p>^M^J<p>^M^J^I-- <a href="">Hunter Shelburne</a><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a></p>^M^J^J^I^I^I<br clear="all">^J^I^I^I^J^I^I^I<p id="discussForum" style="float: right;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Discuss this post on the forums!" /></a></p>^J^I ^J<!-- addthis -->^J^J<b><span style="float:left; padding:0 1%;">Share this post!</span></b>^J<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style" style="float:left;">^J <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_reddit" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_tumblr" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_email" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <span class="addthis_separator">|</span>^J <a class="addthis_button_expanded" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday">More</a>^J</div>^J^J<div style="margin: 5px 0; clear: left;">^J <a href="" class="small">Permalink</a> •^J <a href="/ill/archive/" class="small">Archive</a> •^J <a href="/ill/illsotw/" class="small">Illuminated Site of the Week</a>^J</div>^J', 'pagetitle', 'Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday', 'mobile', 0, 'description', 'Our friends, the Griegos, shared pictures from their combined birthday party for mom, Jessica, and kid, Robin. As you can see, they chose to have a Munchkin-themed party!') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 135 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7ffb64a177a0)', 'sqldate', '2023-04-21', 'illuminator', '^J^I^I^I<h1>April 21, 2023: A Very <I>Munchkin</I> Birthday</h1>^J^I^I^I<p>^M^J^IOur friends, the Griegos, shared pictures from their combined birthday party for mom, Jessica, and kid, Robin. As you can see, they chose to have a <a href=""><i><b>Munchkin</b></i></a>-themed party! Fun themed party favors, snacks, and of course <i><b>Munchkin,</b></i> were all enjoyed, as well as hilarious custom shirts. Jessica and her husband Daniel have even cosplayed as <i><b>Munchkin</b></i> characters! You may recall the Griego name as Jessica's father, Al, spent some time on staff with us at Steve Jackson Games and is a long-time MIB. He also helped coordinate with us to get the sweet party decor. </p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IThanks to the Griegos for sharing such cool party pictures, and remember: Go Up A Level! </p>^M^J<p>^M^J^I-- <a href="">Hunter Shelburne</a><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a></p>^M^J^J^I^I^I<br clear="all">^J^I^I^I^J^I^I^I<p id="discussForum" style="float: right;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Discuss this post on the forums!" /></a></p>^J^I ^J<!-- addthis -->^J^J<b><span style="float:left; padding:0 1%;">Share this post!</span></b>^J<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style" style="float:left;">^J <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_reddit" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_tumblr" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_email" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <span class="addthis_separator">|</span>^J <a class="addthis_button_expanded" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday">More</a>^J</div>^J^J<div style="margin: 5px 0; clear: left;">^J <a href="" class="small">Permalink</a> •^J <a href="/ill/archive/" class="small">Archive</a> •^J <a href="/ill/illsotw/" class="small">Illuminated Site of the Week</a>^J</div>^J', 'pagetitle', 'Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday', 'mobile', 0, 'description', 'Our friends, the Griegos, shared pictures from their combined birthday party for mom, Jessica, and kid, Robin. As you can see, they chose to have a Munchkin-themed party!') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1302 eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1292 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, 'sqldate', '2023-04-21', 'illuminator', '^J^I^I^I<h1>April 21, 2023: A Very <I>Munchkin</I> Birthday</h1>^J^I^I^I<p>^M^J^IOur friends, the Griegos, shared pictures from their combined birthday party for mom, Jessica, and kid, Robin. As you can see, they chose to have a <a href=""><i><b>Munchkin</b></i></a>-themed party! Fun themed party favors, snacks, and of course <i><b>Munchkin,</b></i> were all enjoyed, as well as hilarious custom shirts. Jessica and her husband Daniel have even cosplayed as <i><b>Munchkin</b></i> characters! You may recall the Griego name as Jessica's father, Al, spent some time on staff with us at Steve Jackson Games and is a long-time MIB. He also helped coordinate with us to get the sweet party decor. </p>^M^J<p>^M^J^IThanks to the Griegos for sharing such cool party pictures, and remember: Go Up A Level! </p>^M^J<p>^M^J^I-- <a href="">Hunter Shelburne</a><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a><span style="text-align: center;"> </span><a href="" style="text-align: center;" title=""><img alt="[Image]" border="0" hspace="8" src="" vspace="6" /></a></p>^M^J^J^I^I^I<br clear="all">^J^I^I^I^J^I^I^I<p id="discussForum" style="float: right;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Discuss this post on the forums!" /></a></p>^J^I ^J<!-- addthis -->^J^J<b><span style="float:left; padding:0 1%;">Share this post!</span></b>^J<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style" style="float:left;">^J <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_reddit" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_tumblr" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <a class="addthis_button_email" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday"></a>^J <span class="addthis_separator">|</span>^J <a class="addthis_button_expanded" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday">More</a>^J</div>^J^J<div style="margin: 5px 0; clear: left;">^J <a href="" class="small">Permalink</a> •^J <a href="/ill/archive/" class="small">Archive</a> •^J <a href="/ill/illsotw/" class="small">Illuminated Site of the Week</a>^J</div>^J', 'pagetitle', 'Daily Illuminator: A Very Munchkin Birthday', 'mobile', 0, 'description', 'Our friends, the Griegos, shared pictures from their combined birthday party for mom, Jessica, and kid, Robin. As you can see, they chose to have a Munchkin-themed party!') called at /home/www/secure/ill/index.html line 4 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('month', 'April', 'day', 21, 'year', 2023, 'u', 'A_Very_Munchkin_Birthday.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 135 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7ffb64a08710)', 'month', 'April', 'day', 21, 'year', 2023, 'u', 'A_Very_Munchkin_Birthday.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1302 eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1292 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, 'month', 'April', 'day', 21, 'year', 2023, 'u', 'A_Very_Munchkin_Birthday.html') called at /home/www/secure/ill/archive/dhandler line 3 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('u', 'A_Very_Munchkin_Birthday.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 135 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7ffb6325e478)', 'u', 'A_Very_Munchkin_Birthday.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1297 eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 1292 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef, 'u', 'A_Very_Munchkin_Birthday.html') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 481 eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 481 eval {...} at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 433 HTML::Mason::Request::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7ffb627fab60)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 168 HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7ffb627fab60)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/HTML/Mason/ line 825 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handle_request('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7ffb627f9ee8)', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7ffb64a5fd18)') called at (eval 29) line 8 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handler('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7ffb64a5fd18)') called at -e line 0 eval {...} at -e line 0