April 23, 2023: Remembering Eric DowEric Dow, a valued member of our staff for many years, died yesterday of cancer. He was 54. Eric will be missed tremendously. His good cheer and willingness to go the extra thousand miles (not an exaggeration) made him a good friend to the whole staff. His "official hats" were Facilities and Events, but he also took the lead when things had to be fabricated in the shop or with the laser cutter or 3-D printer. A great advocate of green power, Eric was the driving force behind our installation of solar charging units at the office. Many Austin gamers know Eric and his family as the proprietors of Wonko's, a comic and game store they ran for many years. He was also a skilled driver, rallier, motorsports fan, and mechanic, and nobody who saw it will ever forget his doing fast doughnuts in my brand-new Tesla in the Wonko's parking lot. We cannot replace Eric. We can only remember him with love, and try to get along. Share this post! |
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