Daily Illuminator

February 17, 2005: Entry Level Warehouse 23 Position

We are about to have an entry-level position in Warehouse 23 open. This is probably not what you studied for in college, and it isn't about making games . . . but it is about helping the people who make the games, and there are definitely promotion opportunities.

Based on review of some of our best hires - and thinking about what went wrong on some of our not-so-best ones - we want to try hiring by personality type rather than by a specific skill set. We have an idea of the profile we’re looking for. You are:

  • Educated. Not necessarily a college graduate, but we expect high literacy and computer literacy.
  • Energetic, productive, and interested in learning. The people who do best here are builders. You don’t have to be a workaholic or a complete perfectionist, but if you are, you’ll be among friends.
  • Not necessarily a frothing "people person," but capable of getting along with others.
  • Very, very, very into the kind of games we make.
  • A proficient typist who also has legible handwriting.
  • And finally, you have a strong work ethic. We’re building something here, and we want people who will pitch in and help, not sit around and chat.

Experience isn’t really an issue; we expect to train you. On the other hand, if you happen to also have retail, customer service, and/or HTML experience, you'll be that much ahead of the game.

This is a full-time Austin position, open immediately, with fully paid health and dental benefits for those who pass the initial insurance qualifications. Pay is, as we said, entry level.

If you’re interested, send a resume to manager@warehouse23.com (remember to name the resume with your name, NOT "resume.doc").

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