February 17, 2021: TFT Playmat Contest Winners
The object of this contest was to create a scenario to play on an existing TFT playmat. This one drew a lot of interest.
Our winner is Caleb Pittman for "Spiral Summoning," a scenario that makes good use of the special shape of the Spiral Arena playmat, and introduces a locale that will be popular among wizardly PCs . . . if they can get to it. Caleb gets an "I Want It All!' TFT carton with the Legacy Edition game (signed), playmats, and lots more. The scenario will appear in the upcoming special collection, "Illuminated Manuscript."
Second place goes to Howard Kistler for "The Unspeakable Gormers," about a family that you do not want to meet. If the party is too powerful, they'll bring their equally unspeakable friends . . . It uses the Skarg's Tavern playmat. Howard gets a signed copy of the TFT Legacy Edition boxed set and a place in our nightmares. The scenario may appear in an upcoming Hexagram.
Third place goes to D. H. Austin for "Blink'n Chickens," also set on the Skarg's Tavern playmat. You'll need a lot of chicken counters! He receives signed copies of Melee and Wizard.
-- Steve Jackson

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