Daily Illuminator

July 6, 2018: Munchkin Unicorns and Friends On Kickstarter Now!

Munchkin Unicorns and FriendsAfter months of behind-the-scenes work, we're happy to announce that Munchkin Unicorns and Friends is now on Kickstarter! We've taken this new mini-expansion, illustrated by Katie Cook (Munchkin Love Shark Baby, Munchkin Kittens), Ian McGinty (Munchkin Knights, the Munchkin comic), and Len Peralta (Munchkin Clowns, Super Kitty Bug Slap), to Kickstarter for one reason: To give you the chance to increase the number of cards in the box! Starting as a 30-card pack, Kickstarter support can unlock stretch goals to jam more cards into the set. And, best of all, we have the cards designed, illustrated, and (almost) ready to go!

But we know that more cards aren't enough, and we have heard your requests for new Boxes of Holding, so we are also offering two new Munchkin storage boxes as part of the Munchkin Unicorns and Friends project on Kickstarter. These are physically identical to the existing Boxes of Holding (which are available), but with new artwork from this mini-expansion. These smaller boxes are perfect when you want to transport the game for a small gathering; for big parties, the Munchkin Monster Box makes a lot more sense since it can hold so many more cards.

Last, and because we know you love them, we've also added new Munchkin promo cards as stretch goals. As each is unlocked, we will add it to the Munchkin Unicorns and Friends tuckbox, expanding the number of promo cards in the set. This both makes it easier for us to pack and ship the expansion, and guarantees that you, as a project supporter, don't miss out on any of the new cards.

A note about shipping: To keep costs as low as possible, we have decided to use a tiny, tiny tuckbox for Munchkin Unicorns and Friends. Most of the Munchkin sets we produce are designed for retail display, and this requires that we focus more on shelf presence than compactness of the final package. This time around, because we're using Kickstarter to crowdfund the production, we can concentrate on what makes the final set best for the supporters. With the cost of shipping where it is these days, especially for our international supporters, a smaller final size is preferable. And we know you're just going to add the cards to your new Boxes of Holding or to an existing Munchkin game, so we can dispense with the bigger package and instead go for the lightest and smallest packaging option we can manage.

Check out Munchkin Unicorns and Friends on Kickstarter today! The project closes on July 20, so there's still time to join us and unlock those stretch goals to get more and more cards in the compact package!

-- Phil Reed

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