July 20, 2011: My Shopping ListSee, this is what I get for reading Fark. Not that I'm going to stop. But in one day (Sunday the 17th, for those keeping count) I followed two Fark entries that would make a pretty good Mad Genius Shopping List all by themselves . . . (1) The Secret Headquarters. Fark pointed to a perfectly nice little fortified island just off the coast of Wales, but surfing from that story, I found a really scary-looking volcanic dome 9 or 10 miles off Scotland. It turns out to be highly historic, and completely deserted except for the birds. PERFECT SETTING for . . . (2) The Robot Triceratops. Not only is it as useful as it is beautiful, but it's offered by Hammacher Schlemmer, which means reliable warranty service. Nobody wants to be stuck with a robot triceratops from some fly-by-night artificer. Science demands quality equipment, and Mad Science is no different. Now I need a creepy and/or incredibly hot bodyguard, a Persian cat, and a black helicopter, and I am SO in the supervillain business. Share this post! |
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