Daily Illuminator Archive for May 2011

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May 1, 2011:
You may have noticed that we released Cthulhu Shot Glasses at the end of last month. This was a fun, simple project that we tackled because we thought it would be pretty cool to have the Great Elder One on shot glasses . . . read article

May 2, 2011:
The skin-changer and I sat across from each other at the trucker diner. His skinless throat showed the peristaltic action delivering to his visible belly each bite of his Unlawful Waffle -- "So good, it's a crime!" the placemat proclaimed . . . read article

May 3, 2011:
In a few years, we'll look back and laugh, but right now it's just annoying. Warehouse 23 was out of Munchkin Zombies . . . read article

May 4, 2011:
Part of signing a license is keeping up with what our partner is releasing. For Munchkin Axe Cop, that means reading every episode of Axe Cop online -- and Ask Axe Cop too! -- as well as picking up the new issues from Dark Horse Comics . . . read article

May 5, 2011:
I love reviews written by people who write for a living (or at least a major hobby). They raise points from a perspective of someone who looks at a metric ton of games, and if they've been reviewing for a while, you can get an easy idea of how their tastes match up with yours by reading their archive . . . read article

May 6, 2011:
If you're wondering, "What Munchkin Webcomic Contest," follow the link! We've already received several entries, and wanted to point y'all at those early birds. The contest doesn't close until the end of May, so you have plenty of time to get your submissions in . . . but don't wait TOO long, either! . . . read article

May 7, 2011:
Sure, Hergé's spunky hero had a good half-century run, but with a new mega-motion-capture movie coming up this year Tintin could use some new blood. The fresh slate of enemies should include some Lovecraftian horrors, according to Mythos artist Murray Groat . . . read article

May 8, 2011:
I'm a fan of Robert E. Howard (Wikipedia), and this summer I'll take my enjoyment of Howard's work one step beyond reading as I attend Howard Days in Cross Plains, TX . . . read article

May 9, 2011:
You know why you're here, right? No? . . . read article

May 10, 2011:
When we release a game, we like to ask the designer to write down some thoughts about the creative and development process, what on earth possessed him to come up with such a crazy idea, and where he expects that crazy idea to go from here. Think of it as the "commentary track" on the game . . . read article

May 11, 2011:
Zombies are quiet creatures. They're best known for shuffling silently, arms extended and mouth agape . . . read article

May 12, 2011:
Here’s an update on the progress of Ogre 6th Edition. Yes, we’re definitely going to do it . . . read article

May 13, 2011:
By the time you read this, I should be far south of here, well on my way to the World RPG Festival in Curitiba, Brazil. This is my third trip to Brazil, and I hope it's not my last . . . read article

May 14, 2011:
Yugoslavia has a rich and textured history. Part of that story has an until-recently hidden segment that's either inspiring or disturbing, depending on your viewpoint . . . read article

May 15, 2011:
Munchkin Zombies 2 – Armed and Dangerous Return of the (un)Living Munchkins! Shuffle and shamble your way to victory with 112 new cards for Munchkin Zombies . . . read article

May 16, 2011:
A short report. The longer one will have to wait a little while, because it is creeping up on midnight and I have to be in the hotel lobby tomorrow at 8 for the train ride . . . read article

May 17, 2011:
I've been on the Internet for a long time. My student-body presidential platform in college centered on my audacious desire to get everyone an e-mail address . . . read article

May 18, 2011:
Sorry, that should say "Going TO Mobile" . . . for Mobicon! I'll be on several panels and playing Munchkin when I'm not talking . . . read article

May 19, 2011:
Later this month -- May 27-29 to be exact -- Steve will be a guest at Comicpalooza in Houston. There will be games of Munchkin, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, and many others . . . read article

May 20, 2011:
Many of our fans know about our Gamer Finder, where people can meet other people in their area for hours of Steve Jackson Games-y goodness. Some of you may not know that it includes a Store Finder as well, so that you can find a new store when you're traveling or have moved to a new town . . . read article

May 21, 2011:
The Daily Illuminator (you know, this thing you're reading right now) is our primary stream of communication with the world for many reasons. It's archived, the format allows for the attachment of pretty pictures and links to more information, and web browsers are everywhere . . . read article

May 22, 2011:
If you're wondering, "What Munchkin Webcomic Contest," follow the link! "It's a Munchkin contest," you say. "All they want is to promote Munchkin." Wrong! Well, we'll give you partial credit . . . that's not all we want to do . . . read article

May 23, 2011:
Dear SJ Games, As a lifelong monster hunter, I was sanguinely interested in your most recent issue of Pyramid magazine -- clearly denoted on the cover as being designed specifically to appeal to monster hunters. Unfortunately, the contents of Pyramid #3/31: Monster Hunters were decidedly not what I expected . . . read article

May 24, 2011:
This weekend I'll be at Comicpalooza in Houston. I have two scheduled events: Friday the 27th at 6pm - I will participate in a general game hobby panel . . . read article

May 25, 2011:
With the recent upload of the PDF of GURPS Horror, we've gotten some questions about the printed version coming this August. Let's take care of some of them here. Will GURPS Horror be available in hardcover? Yes! . . . read article

May 26, 2011:
We keep our ear to the ground, watching forums, talking to people at conventions, and keeping our e-mail addresses easily available. But sometimes we just need to ask directly: what do retailers want? . . . read article

May 27, 2011:
Recently, Mike Fisher of Grand Prix International, our primary printer for all things Munchkin, sent me a batch of photos from his latest trip to the factory in China where Munchkin games are printed. Even though I've been to Hong Kong a few times now, I still haven't made the trip to mainland China for a factory tour, so seeing photos like this is the best way (at the moment) for me to imagine what it's like to be there on the factory floor . . . read article

May 28, 2011:
The die on the right is just a shade lighter than the one on the left (in person the difference is much more pronounced), but they're both Munchkin 6-siders, right? Well, while the lighter one can be found in +6 Bag O' Munchkin Rainbow d6, the darker one can be found in . . . Awful Green Things From Outer Space . . . read article

May 29, 2011:
In the past year or so, we've been ratcheting up our artwork in our GURPS supplements. While we've generally been happy with our art, we're perfectionists at heart -- why settle for "great" when you can aspire to "mind-bogglingly awesome"? . . . read article

May 30, 2011:
Look out!! It's a giant albino alligator! . . . read article

May 31, 2011:
We've been teasing you for a while about our Big New Announcement. A couple of weeks ago we let slip that it would be for Munchkin . . . read article

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