Daily Illuminator

November 11, 2006: Arrivederci, Lucca!

We're back from the Lucca Comics & Games show. It's good to be home, despite the rigors of the return flight (United Airlines may be the subject of a rant at some point) . . . and it was, all in all, a wonderful trip. Lucca, the town, is a fantastic place - there will be photos soon. Lucca, the event, is a big, busy, happy show that seems to fill the whole town . . . the final head count was 85,000 attendees!

The next time anyone tells you that portions in American restaurants are big, send them to me, and I will describe the huge servings in Italian restaurants. And it's all so GOOD . . . Mmm, spaghetti with fresh truffles. Carpaccio. Gnocchi.

I have now seen the Leaning Tower. What they don't tell you is that it's a wonderful, graceful, beautifully ornamented building that would be worth visiting even if it stood straight up.

My thanks to Lucca both for honoring me with the invitation, and for the wonderful hospitality - from the official committee, from our friends at Raven Distribution, and from hundreds of friendly Italian gamers at the show. And a big thumbs up to the Austin staff for having things completely under control when I stepped into the office on Thursday.
-- Steve Jackson

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