October 17, 2008: Best Munchkin Display In The World
As much as we love talking about Munchkin here on our site, the place where the covers and blurbs do the most good is on the shelves of your friendly local game store. But boring racks don't excite anyone . . .
With that in mind, we're searching for the Best Munchkin Display in the World!
Email a photo of your display, in all its glory, to me at marketing@sjgames.com. (And no, you don't need to be a retailer to send in the photo, but you'll need the store owner's permission!) Be sure to include your physical location address, shipping address, website, and contact information -- email and phone number would be best. Please name your photos appropriately -- [your store's name].munchkin.display.jpg is perfect; Photo_092508_003.jpg is likely to get lost.
We'll review them all, and choose two awesome stores to each receive a copy of Munchkin Quest before the main shipment hits stores. We'll also toss in a handful of whatever promo bits we've got available. Of course, the dedicated Munchkin promoters will be revealed in a Daily Illuminator!
Submit your photos before Monday November 3. We'll review the entries, and announce the winner -- and ship the copy of Munchkin Quest! -- the following week.
-- Paul Chapman

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