October 23, 2021: Gross-Out Fun For HalloweenWhen I was a kid (which, if we're being honest, is mentally every single day of my life), gross-out humor was a joy that we inflicted on our parents, teachers, and the unsuspecting normal children on the playground. Jokes, toys, trading cards, and wild conversations inevitably led to attempts to disgust and gross each other out, and it is with great pleasure that I announce that even these days – decades later – kids still love gross-out humor. Fortunately for those of you, with or without kids, who cannot get enough of this fun in their lives, we have the Scarf-N-Barf game that embraces gross-out humor and makes it the star attraction. It certainly isn't for the mature and sophisticated, but those of you who are still mentally twelve (like me!) will find some senseless entertainment in this fast-playing and completely unnecessary game.
Find Scarf-N-Barf today at your favorite local game store. -- Phil Reed Share this post! |
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