Daily Illuminator

October 28, 2021: Now Shipping! Munchkin Cheats, Clowns, Kittens, Puppies, And Side Quests Reprints

August was a big month for Munchkin reprints, with several out-of-print titles landing as our partners at PSI received two containers loaded with games and expansions. As we've mentioned before, the expense and delays related to international freight have disrupted our usual processes, so seeing so many titles back in stock brings a tear to our eyes and makes our hearts grow like the Grinch's at Christmas.

The recent containers included a few core Munchkin games, but today we want to direct your attention to five different mini-expansions, a few of which have been unavailable for several months.

These are shipping now and should start appearing in stores soon. It's going to be great to have these in stock for the holidays, especially since their low price and small size make them excellent stocking stuffers!

-- Phil Reed

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