Daily Illuminator

October 30, 2017: Writing Munchkin Starfinder

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Writing Munchkin Starfinder has been a blast. I talked about this a little in my Munchkin Starfinder Designer's Notes, but I figured I'd talk about it more here since – as you may have heard – we have a Kickstarter going on right now.

First, I want to thank the team at Paizo once again for letting us work on this game. The Starfinder Roleplaying Game is still new, having come out in August, and they've been on board with the idea of a Munchkin version from the instant we proposed it. It has been great getting some previews of what they're working on to make sure this game has the right feel for both Munchkin and Starfinder.

The reaction of you fans since our soft announcement (postcards and bookmarks!) has been amazing. Your excitement and high expectations always motivate me to do better as I'm designing games; Munchkin Starfinder is no different. Every time I write something, my goal is to give you something as good as you hoped, or (ideally) better. Starfinder is another chance to challenge myself and try new things, and it's a challenge I've enjoyed meeting over the last couple of months.

I can't say enough about Howard Tayler's fantastic art for this set. He and I both gravitated to the Skittermander as the signature monster of Munchkin Starfinder, the way the Net Troll is for original Munchkin; we abused that poor little guy in so many ways. It was really cool to hear from our Paizo contacts that their fans feel the same. We'll keep including him on new Starfinder cards as development continues!

Finally, I have to thank the team here at SJ Games. Putting together a Kickstarter on short notice is a lot of work, but everyone here cleared the bar easily. This great team frees up a lot of worry space in my head, letting me focus on the part I do best: writing the actual game.

As I'm writing this, we've smashed the initial goal, and stretch goals are falling quickly. The campaign ends on November 3, so if you haven't backed it already, don't delay!

-- Andrew Hackard

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