September 15, 2021: Dragon Con ReportThis was my first DC in more than a decade. Physically exhausting but creatively rejuvenating. I have missed conventions. Along with author, game designer, and Mayfair Games founder Bill Fawcett*, I hosted a two-day workshop at this year's Dragon Con. There were discussions each morning and game presentations in the afternoon. Our speakers included Jean McGuire (Wintertree Software), Phillip E. Pournelle (author and U.S. Navy wargame designer), Kenneth Hite (author of over 100 roleplaying games and supplements), and IP attorney Courtney Lytle Sarnow. We were also joined by N.Y. Times best-selling author S.M. Stirling, a recreational gamer, who helped us with our evaluations. Each student was encouraged to bring a prototype or draft of a game or supplement to review. The panel's reactions ranged from "You have some good ideas here, but need a different presentation," through "I would like to play this," to "This might be a commercial success!" We want to do this again next year. I did my usual talks on what's coming up next from the company, and showed off the prototype of the Foam Unnatural Axe and the #1-in-the-wild Giant Munchkin d10. Then we sent the d10 to the auction, and it raised $1,000 for charity. Thank you, bidders! Ken and I did a couple of panels, joined on one by Jean, and they also went well. Ken is a brilliant exponent of the Great Man theory in gaming, and it was a huge pleasure to work with him. And, thanks no doubt to my Pfizer jabs and trusty N95, I made it home in one piece! *Who is also running the team behind the officially-licensed Munchkin Mayhem digital game that is coming to Kickstarter this fall. -PR Share this post! |
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