September 19, 2018: Kickstarter Status Report
We've been using Kickstarter very regularly for the past few months, and thanks to your support, some projects have gotten bigger and better . . . and a couple of them are still growing. To recap -
• Ogrezine 2, a sequel to last year's Ogrezine, is active on Kickstarter right now. It's already at four times its original goal, and about to hit another stretch goal. You can support it right here.
• The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition earned over $300,000 of support, adding all kinds of specials to the package, and it's still growing, because we are doing BackerKit stretch goals! You can support on BackerKit here, even if you did not join the original campaign. We'll make our first delivery of TFT games on Wednesday – supporters will get PDFs of the new editions of Melee, Wizard, and the Death Tests.
• Munchkin Unicorns and Friends is also still available for BackerKit backing here. Do you have friends? Do your friends need unicorns? My friends do! This one is about to ship from the factory and should reach backers in November.
• The Ogre Miniatures book is about to ship from the factory, on schedule, and should reach backers in November, which is now just around the corner. I've seen a proof copy and it's gorgeous.
• Ogre Miniatures Set 2 should now be in all supperters' hands. So, you ask, when do we see a Set 3 campaign? We're not ready to reveal that yet.
• What we ARE ready to reveal is that our next Kickstarter campaign, starting within the month, will be for Munchkin Steampunk: Girl Genius. The hit webcomic from Phil and Kaja Foglio goes with Munchkin like ham and eggs, like Lewis and Clark, like mad science and total chaos. The cards are illustrated by Phil Foglio himself, of course.
To stay caught up with our Kickstarter projects, you can follow us!
-- Steve Jackson

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