August 13, 2007: Munchkin Cthulhu UpdateWe've got a mess o' updates for the Munchkin Cthulhu line, so we collected them all here, for easy reference.First, the core Munchkin Cthulhu reprint has already been scheduled for this fall. With luck, no one will notice this, as we'll have a couple weeks of overlap when both the first and second printings are selling simultaneously, and no one will need to hear "sorry, out of print." Second, the first expansion, titled Call of Cowthulhu, is at the printer. Some sample cards, and the complete card list, are posted on the product page, and Warehouse 23 is taking pre-orders. We're also hoping to have a case or two at GenCon, but it'll be tight.
Finally, the second expansion is entering playtest. No, I'm not going to tell you anything about it, both because it's too early, and because the first group of playtesters hasn't recovered enough sanity to tell us if the cards are ready. The doctors say some peace and quiet will do them a world of good.
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