August 22, 2019: Kickstarter Reports, August UpdateFour different campaigns – The Fantasy Trip Adventures, Bag of Bags, Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2, and Three Munchkin Mini-Expansions – landed in Detroit earlier this week. We are making arrangements to move the container to a fulfillment warehouse in Austin, where everything will be broken down and some of the games shipped to Warehouse 23 in Austin. In order to divide the fulfillment load, we are going to use two different warehouses: U.S. rewards first, then international rewards. And speaking of international Kickstarter fulfillment, we continue to expend more resources on fulfillment of international Kickstarter rewards than is sustainable. Regardless of which approach we attempt, the cost is always high and our backers are frequently discouraged and upset by the expense and amount of time that delivery requires. And when a project is technically late, it is often the international rewards that shift us from on schedule to behind schedule. For those reasons, we are not offering international rewards for our current and upcoming campaigns. We hate to disappoint some of you, but we cannot continue to lose money and time delivering international rewards. We will continue to search for an answer to the problem. Our current projects and the status of each:
The Fantasy Trip: Decks of Destiny
Three Mini-Expansions for Munchkin!
Powered by GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 & Game Reprint
Pocket Box Games of the Eighties
Munchkin Steampunk: Girl Genius
That's a total of 9 active projects:
Kickstarter is becoming a more important part of our plans. We are finding that in today's crowded market, Kickstarter is the most reliable way to measure interest in a new project and guarantee a success. We will continue to take projects to Kickstarter for the immediate future; to keep close track of our efforts, we recommend following both the Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 accounts, as well as liking and following our Facebook page. -- Phil Reed Share this post! |
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