Daily Illuminator

February 25, 2009: e23 Hotness!

So much was going on in our offices last week that I missed our normal Monday announcement of the e23 releases. However, that didn't stop you from finding it all on your own, and buying in record numbers!

First was Pyramid #3/4: Magic on the Battlefield. With a title like that, you don't need much more to figure out what's between the digital covers. But I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Sean Punch's cabal of mages devoted to sieges, a game aid for David Pulver's Mass Combat, and an article on using Imbuements on your armor. (If you'd like more hints, there's always the preview.)

And speaking of Sean Punch, he also wrote the second release: GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles. New perks, advice for customizing spell lists, and most importantly -- magical styles! Now your wizard can have a spell casting flavor every bit as unique as your monk's Praying Mantis Kung Fu.

-- Paul Chapman

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