Daily Illuminator

July 30, 2021: Summer Game Day At The Office!

Yesterday was our first summer game day at the SJ Games offices! We normally have holiday game days around Halloween and Christmas, but this was a much-needed reunion for the office after months of working at home alone. We hosted some out-of-town staff (Julie, Alain, and Amy traveled to hang out with us)! Even seeing the local folks was a welcome change of pace. We were also joined by some friends from PSI, Fireside Games, and Amigo! 

Game Day Game Day Game Day Game Day

While we sometimes play our own games (like our Revolution! playtests and some Munchkin), most game days are dedicated to playing games from our own personal collections. Many of us brought newer releases and Kickstarters that have sat unplayed on the shelves for the past months. I know I am always trying to learn or teach a new game during the day. And let it not be understated how much BBQ there was. We ate so much food (special shoutout to Jane's deviled eggs!).

Heading into the stresses of convention season and holiday sales, it was nice to get a breather and remember why we do what we do: we love to play games! 

-- Hunter Shelburne

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