Daily Illuminator

June 4, 2008: Warehouse 23 Summer Giveaway Extravaganzathon-O-Rama 2008

Behold, mortals! Summer is upon us. This means it's now time to enjoy all that sunshine and blue sky the way you should: by sitting inside and playing games!

Wait, hear us out!

Warehouse 23 has a selection of games we want in your homes and on your gaming tables. And we're so darn desperate, we're willing to give them to you free! Well, mostly. See, we're running a little contest called The Warehouse 23 Summer Giveaway Extravaganzathon-O-Rama! It works like this:

Any customer purchasing product with a total retail value of over $10 may enter the contest. Every full $10 spent in your order qualifies you for an additional entry in the drawing.

To enter:

  • Place an order with Warehouse 23 between now and Midnight (CST) on June 30st, 2008.
  • In the "Special Shipping Instructions" field, include the following code to be automatically entered in the contest: giveaway
  • Our system will automatically assign the appropriate amount of drawing entries based on the total product value of your order.

On July 1st, Warehouse 23 will randomly select one Grand Prize winner, who will receive the complete prize pack: 5 card games, with a retail value of over one hundred bucks! (Specifically: $103.90. But, come on, that's not nearly as exciting or marketable as a nice, round $100.)

Ten second-prize winners will also be selected. Each will receive one randomly selected game from the prize pack! Now go read all the boring legal stuff and fine print!

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