March 8, 2023: Kickstarter Reports, March 2023 UpdateIn 2022, we expanded our Kickstarter activities and we're showing no signs of slowing in 2023. Over the last few years, including those pre-pandemic years of 2018 and 2019, we have watched as the distribution network changed. Where once we could reliably produce a new game and then get a year or two to promote and sell the title, now far too many of our releases are one-and-done, making it more difficult to justify some of the smaller and stranger projects on our schedule. Fortunately, Kickstarter has proven to be an incredible launchpad for ideas. From niche game expansions like The Rose Labyrinth to new editions of cult classics like Wiz-War, crowdfunding at Kickstarter has given us the opportunity to continue doing what we love best: making games. We continue to work at improving our processes and project management skills, and we know that no matter how hard we try, crowdfunding will always throw new wrenches into the gears to impact our plans. Still, despite a few delays, our overall track record is improving as we deliver more and more projects on – and sometimes ahead of – schedule. What's next? Steve's Tabloids game (first mentioned here) is coming soonish, but we also have the Choose Cthulhu books (mentioned here), new Pocket Boxes, and more in the works. Before those, though, we have a Hack & Slash Kickstarter campaign that is scheduled to go live today. The Hack & Slash project will ship to Canada, the EU, the US, and the UK and is slated to run on our Warehouse 23 account. Read on to see the active projects . . . and please follow us on Kickstarter – Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 – to see what comes next. Steve Jackson Games' Hack & Slash Game, Plus New Promo Cards
Hexagram #11, an Old-School RPG Zine for The Fantasy Trip
Steve Jackson Games' Box of Astonishments
Wiz-War, Tom Jolly's Classic Boardgame Returns!
Rose Labyrinth Roleplaying Game Adventure Set
CARnage – Cars and weapons for auto combat games
Munchkin Witches, 30 Cards for Steve Jackson's Munchkin
That's more open projects than we've seen in a few months, but two of them are currently in the fulfillment stage, and the others are either at print or head to print soon. I personally feel good about the state of our active Kickstarter campaigns and I look forward to taking more ideas to the site every month this year. For more news on upcoming projects, please join our mailing lists by visiting this page and signing on today! We do not yet have exact launch dates for our next Kickstarter campaigns, so please follow both Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 on Kickstarter so that you don't miss anything. -- Phil Reed Share this post! |
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