Daily Illuminator

May 29, 2022: Knightmare Chess Available Direct From Steve Jackson Games

Knightmare Chess

Knightmare Chess is back in stock and now shipping! The classic game of chaos on the chessboard has been reprinted in a combined edition that includes the two original Knightmare Chess sets in a single box. This is a direct-sales item, meaning that it is currently only available from Steve Jackson Games through our online store  Warehouse 23  and from brick-and-mortar retailers who have direct sales accounts with Warehouse 23.

Retailers, you can set up your direct sales account today by contacting retailers@sjgames.com. There are some necessary hoops you will need to jump through (paperwork, of course), but once you're approved, you'll have access to a large part of our catalog, including items that are not offered through our regular distribution channels.

Knightmare Chess is chess played with cards!

The cards break the rules in wild and unpredictable ways. Some affect a single move, and some change the entire game. Knightmare Chess plays quickly out of the box, but it also includes variants, and it's easy for players to customize. The possibilities are endless, and so is the fun!

This edition includes Knightmare Chess 2, for a total of 158 beautiful cards, each painted by Rogério Vilela. Bonus: two blank cards for those who want to create their own fiendish, clever rules.

Note: Knightmare Chess requires a working knowledge of chess, and a chess set, to play.

-- Phil Reed

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