Daily Illuminator

October 23, 2014: GURPS Fourth Turns 10 With . . . PK

GURPS Psionic Powers

GURPS Monsters Hunters 1: Champions

I remember my first encounter with GURPS, back in the early '90s. Two of my players had "converted" to this new system, and kept trying to drag me in. I finally agreed to borrow it, just to rip holes in it and prove them fools. A week later, I bought my own copy and never looked back.

Of course, back then I didn't think I'd end up working for the company! But after contributing to the GURPS Creatures of the Night and GURPS Dungeon Fantasy lines, and writing GURPS Psionic Powers, I was welcomed aboard. Since then, I've had the opportunity to write a few books (including the GURPS Monster Hunters series) . . . but some of my fondest moments involve others' projects. At heart, I'm still a fanboy, so getting to work with amazing authors is the best part of my day.

I'm proud to have contributed demonic crunch to Matt Riggsby's GURPS Locations: Hellsgate. Editing Hans-Christian Vortisch's GURPS Tactical Shooting was like taking a night class in Armoury (Small Arms). I worked with Bill Stoddard to bring his GURPS Social Engineering to life – one of my favorite additions to Fourth Edition. And Ken Hite's GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier was a book I'd wanted for so long that I began running a campaign the moment the edit wrapped.

And that's just the "GURPS" books. Since 2008, some of our most dynamic writing has been in Pyramid, Volume 3. Its magazine format lets us run article-sized "supplements" for works that might otherwise not see expansion, and makes it easy to give new authors a chance.

These writers, both new and old, have done so much to make GURPS Fourth Edition the amazing system that it is, and things just keep getting better.

(Have you enjoyed these 10 looks back and behind the scenes? Stop by the forums and tell us about it.)

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