September 14, 2016: Dungeon Fantasy RPG: "I Want It All!" Is A Great DealSome of you may have heard us mention the Kickstarter campaign for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, once or twice, in passing. We want to bring one specific pledge level to your attention; it's a bit down the page and you may have missed it. The "I Want It All!!" level is a $250 pledge. That's a lot, given that the game itself is $50. However, at that level, you get one of EVERYTHING: the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, the Dungeon Fantasy GM Screen, a one-year subscription (or subscription extension) to Pyramid, a special Dungeon Fantasy-themed Pyramid compilation with articles taken from several different issues, and over two dozen Dungeon Fantasy PDFs, including PDFs of the Dungeon Fantasy print products and any PDFs unlocked as stretch goals are reached. That is, as of this writing, more than $480 in value for a $250 pledge . . . and if we add more add-ons later, they're also included!
If your collection of Dungeon Fantasy PDFs has some holes in it, you might end up doing better with the "I Want It All!!" pledge rather than adding PDFs a la carte in Backerkit. It's worth running the numbers to find out. What better way to show that you want more Dungeon Fantasy content than by becoming an instant completist? Oh, yeah: if you missed our announcement last week, we were able to substantially reduce our shipping costs to the UK and EU. If you're in Europe and decided not to pledge because of the high shipping costs, please take another look! Yes, we're looking to see if we can find similar deals for other parts of the world. Watch the Kickstarter updates for news as we make it! Share this post! |
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