Daily Illuminator

December 23, 2016: Rudolph The Regular Guy

If any of you out there are like me, you're panicking right now because you still have gifts to buy and time is most definitely running out. 

That's why I want to sing you a song I heard recently, about a last-minute shopper who had a happy ending. Enjoy! 

Munchkin Reindeer Games

Rudolph the Regular Guy

Rudolph the regular guy
Had a very long gift list.
He never got 'round to shopping!
Now all his friends will be … mad.

So with two days till Christmas
He ventured out to the stores!
But he had no idea
Where to make holiday scores!

Then through the crowded outdoor mall
Rudolph saw a sign:
"Boardgames and card games make great gifts!"
In the window at his FLGS!

Then how Rudolph's friends loved him!
As they shouted out with glee,
"Rudolph the regular guy!
I love what you got for me!" 

And the best part about that song is that it's probably 100% true, somewhere, for someone. Probably. Since your friendly local game stores are, in fact, great spots to buy last-minute gifts. Like some of our games, as detailed in our gift guides, for example.

So get out there. Be like Rudolph.  

-- Ariel Barkhurst

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