December 27, 2016: Announcements For April
April isn't just for showers – it's for curses! A new Munchkin booster is on the way this month, so don't be a fool and pass it up! Get it? April Fool. But this isn't a joke. (Well, that particular sentence was, but the upcoming release isn't. Oh, no, I must be suffering from the curse of being a terrible comedian!)
It's chaos! It's madness! It's . . . Munchkin Curses!
Admit it. You love that moment when your enemy kicks down the door, and the card they draw is – a Curse (almost as much as you love playing Curses on your enemies yourself)! Whether it means losing items, skipping turns, or stumbling across a duck imbued with pure doom, a Curse always brings an element of gleeful mayhem.
That's why this booster contains 12 new Curses, two new monsters, and one Curse Reverse to shuffle into your Munchkin game!
This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Munchkin Curses pack is the same as every other.
-- Hunter Shelburne

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