Daily Illuminator

February 8, 2006: Wherefore Art Thou, Juliet?

Juliet is the next UltraCorps playtest game. You can join now; the first tick (that is, processing of the first move) takes place at 10pm CST Wednesday (and then the game closes; you cannot join after the first tick, and you really should join long enough BEFORE the first tick to complete a move). There will be 20 turns, one per day.

This game has evolved since the last playtest. It will have more than 500 players if it fills up; the economic rules are now in place; the goal is maximum population, not just number of worlds controlled, so you have an incentive to be nice to your subjects; and there's an entry condition. In order to join, you must first complete the solo game (if you have already completed a solo recently, the database will know that). This was a player suggestion, and it's a good one. It insures that everyone who gets into the game will have some clue what's going on! Sort of a Galactic Warlord Qualifying Exam.

UltraCorps is still free, so this is your chance to see what it's like while helping us out.
-- Steve Jackson

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